2018高考英語專題第一輪複習講練 動詞的時態和語態

英語 The Room 高考 收音機 我愛學英語 我愛學英語 2017-08-07



1.常用的動詞時態句子結構。(S=主語, do= 動詞原形, does=動詞第三人稱單數,did=過去式, doing=現在分詞, done=過去分詞)



現在進行時:S+am/is/are doing...

過去進行時:S+was/were doing...



現在完成時:S+have/has done...

過去完成時:S+had done...

現在完成進行時:S+have/has been doing...

過去完成進行時:S+had been doing...


(1)The volleyball match will be put off if it rains.


(2)If city noises are not kept from increasing,people will have to shout to be heard 20 years from now on.



(1)I play ping­pong quite well,but I haven't had time to play since the new year.


(2)-Can I help you,sir?


-Yes,I bought this radio here yesterday,but it doesn't_work.

——好的,我昨天在這裡買了個收音機,可是它不能正常工作。(doesn't work是主語的性能)


(1)We were all surprised when he made it clear that he would_leave office soon.


(2)-How long had_they_known each other before they got married?


—For about a year.


(3)Helen had_left her key in the office,so she had to wait until her husband came home.



(1)The train leaves at four o'clock.Let's hurry.


(2)I've won a holiday for two weeks to Florida.I am_taking my mum together.

我贏得了去佛羅里達兩週的假期, 我將帶我媽媽一同前往。

6.be going to表示早就安排好的將來,或表示根據某種跡象判斷將要發生的事情;will/shall表示臨時決定要做的動作;be to表示按約定計劃或按職責、義務將要發生的動作,強調主語的意志和決心;be about to表示馬上就要發生的動作,不能與表示將來的確切時間狀語連用。

(1)-What are you going to do this evening?


-I'm going to see a film with my friend.


(2)-Haven't you known Mr.Wang is ill?


-Really? Then I'll go to see him instead.


(3)-How about seeing a film tomorrow?


-Sorry,I can't.I am to take the driving test.


7.如果句中有so far,since,by now,in the last few years,till now,up to now等表示時間的短語,謂語動詞只能用現在完成時。如:

(1)So far they have dug more than 100 wells to get enough drinking water.


(2)I have been busy during the last few days.


8.句型“It is the first time...”,“This is the last time...”中,從句的謂語要用現在完成時。句型“It was the first time...”,“This was the last time...”中,從句的謂語要用過去完成時。如:

(1)This is the first time I've been here.


(2)That was the second time that they had witnessed an accident at the crossing.


9.句中的狀語是“by the end of+過去時間”,動詞用過去完成時。句中的狀語是“by the end of+將來時間”,動詞用將來完成時。如:

(1)By the end of last term,we had learned about three thousand English words.

到上學期末,我們大約學了3 000個英語單詞。

(2)By the end of next month,we shall have finished Book Five.






2018高考英語專題第一輪複習講練 動詞的時態和語態

1.進行時、將來時、完成時、情態動詞的被動語態的謂語分別是be being done,will/shall be done, have/has/had been done,情態動詞+be done,不要遺漏任何部分。

All the work must be finished by Friday.


A railway is being built to connect these two cities.



He fell and got hurt.




The dish tastes delicious.


His plan proved (to be) practical.


(2)be worth doing。

The book is worth reading.



=need/want/require to be done

The room needs cleaning.

=The room needs to be cleaned.


(4)be+adj.+to do。

The place is hard to find in the map.



The pen I bought yesterday writes smoothly.


The cloth washes well.


eq \x(強化訓練)


1.We________(tell)that our rooms hadn't been reserved for that week.

2.Suddenly,he ________(find)that he had run out of salt.So Nick called his son...

3.People stepped on your feet or________(push) you with their elbows (肘部),hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.

4.When Jane got home... Her mother was excited. “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,” Jane______(inform).

5.Being too anxious to help an event develop often________(result)in the contrary to our intention.

6.When I saw a man sitting by himself waiting for the library to open, I sat down next to him and________(begin) a conversation.

7.Most of these singers so far________(see) music as a “job” because it is a good source of making money.

8.On International Children's Day, some orphans from the Wuhan Welfare Institute for Children ________(take) to the park.

9.It was my first trip to India alone. One day, as I ______(walk) through a local market, a ten­year­old boy came over.

10.Around two o'clock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat ________ (bother) us.

11.I felt very tired when I got home,and I ________ (go) straight to bed.

12.“What do you want to be?”asked Mrs. Crawford.“Oh, I________(be) president,”said the boy, with a smile.

13.When I first met Bryan I didn't like him, but I ________ (change) my mind.

14.During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs________(increase) sharply.

15.He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all, he ________(have) it for a very long time.

16.Hurry up, kids! The school bus ______(wait) for us !

17.Jim ________(watch) a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank.

18.I'm calling about the apartment you ________(advertise) the other day. Could you tell me more about it?

19.If nothing________(do), the oceans will turn into fish deserts.

20.Shakespeare's play Hamlet________(make) into at least ten different films over the past years.


My best friend Kaiya is like me.She 1.________ (remind) me of myself. In the past, I 2.________ (be) never confident because of my appearance. People always laughed at my weight, my height, my hairstyle, etc. At that time, I was the shortest student in my class. I started getting depressed. However, someone told me something that I will always remember.

It was in March. Surrounded by a group of girls who 3.________ (point) at me and laughed at me, I couldn't help crying. The tears rolled down my face like a rushing river. To my surprise, someone lifted my head up and wiped the tears from my eyes.

I then knew it was our English teacher, Miss Li. She said, “You 4.________ (be) perfect the way you are. You should never change or hate yourself. People 5.________ (accept) you for who you 6.________. But if you cannot accept yourself, then how will other people accept you?” I 7.________ (inspire) by her words. Over the past few months, I 8.________ (learn) that no one is perfect and that we all have flaws. Now I have wonderful friends who 9.________ (love) me for who I am.

Now, seeing Kaiya cry, I decide to tell her the same thing Miss Li 10.________ (tell) me.


Ⅰ.1.were told 2.found 3.pushed 4.was informed

5.results 6.began 7.have seen 8.were taken

9.was walking 10.bothers 11.went 12.will be 13.have changed 14.has increased 15.had had

16.is waiting 17.was watching 18.advertised

19.is done 20.has been made

Ⅱ.1.reminds 2.was 3.pointed 4.are 5.will accept 6.are 7.was inspired 8.have learned 9.love









It was getting dark when I get home. It was cold and I am wearing a coat.I walked up to the door and put my hand into my pocket to take out the key, but I couldn't find it. I suddenly remembered that I have left it on my desk in the office. It really didn't make any difference. I know my wife was at home and the children must have come back from school by now, so I knock at the door. There was no answer. I continue knocking at the door for some time. I get angry.Then I remembered something that the office boy told me at noon.He said that my wife phoned saying that she would go shopping in the afternoon with the children.It seemed that nothing could do and I would be shut out of my house.


It was getting dark when I eq \f(get,got) home. It was cold and I eq \f(am,was) wearing a coat.I walked up to the door and put my hand into my pocket to take out the key, but I couldn't find it. I suddenly remembered that I eq \f(have,had) left it on my desk in the office. It really didn't make any difference. I eq \f(know,knew) my wife was at home and the children must have come back from school by now, so I eq \f(knock,knocked) at the door. There was no answer. I eq \f(continue,continued) knocking at the door for some time. I eq \f(get,got) angry.Then I remembered something that the office boy eq \f(told,had told) me at noon.He said that my wife eq \f(phoned,had phoned) saying that she would go shopping in the afternoon with the children.It seemed that nothing could eq \f(do,be done) and I would be shut out of my house.

