
藝術 郵票 文物 河際雲彤 2017-07-07





規格:劍長24.5cm 寬3.5cm 厚0.5-0.8cm










班固在《燕然山銘序》中曾有:“鷹揚之校,螭虎之士” 之。不言而喻,螭紋在演變過程中,不但相貌有所變化,而且在人們的思想意識中也產生了新的意義。此時它已不再是敬而遠之的神靈,而成了與人們生活、地位、審美觀息息相關的標誌。因此,漢代玉雕螭紋的琢制十分精美(當然也不能排除當時所能提供的工具、設備及工藝技術等條件)。眾多的出土資料充分顯示,儘管漢代玉螭已經定型,然而卻毫無雷同之感,同時組合形式較前更加豐富多彩,變化萬千,尤其是漢代那種昂揚向上,豪邁奔放的藝術風格,在這裡得到了充分的體現。藝術家的聰明才智也在這小小的玉料上得到了淋漓盡致的發揮,從而使漢代玉雕螭紋的造型呈現出一派生動活潑、矯健壯麗的氣勢,讓人蕩氣迴腸,激動不已。  至漢代時,此風更盛,併成為相互饋贈的禮物。《漢書·匈奴傳》載:“單于正月朝天子甘泉宮,賜玉具劍。”《漢書·王莽傳》亦載:“進其玉具寶劍,欲以為好。”可見西漢時,仍以戰國時流行的“世人之主,皆以珠玉戈劍為寶”(《呂氏春秋·侈樂》),以佩戴“玉具劍”為時尚,特別是加之工藝技術的不斷髮展,所以漢代玉具劍上的玉質裝飾物較之戰國數量大增。雖然造型、工藝基本繼承了戰國傳統風格,而圖案紋飾則更加新穎別緻。器面除琢飾獸面、雲紋、谷紋外,尤以浮雕的蟠螭紋最具特色。其佈局合理,生動巧妙,碾磨的圓潤細膩,華麗精細,具有很高的藝術價值。


明 玉劍飾編號:1108成交價:RMB 1,402,500拍賣日期:2014-12-14拍賣專場:澄心明道·古典傢俱及玉器賞石

明 玉劍飾編號:1109成交價:RMB 1,368,000拍賣日期:2014-12-14拍賣專場:澄心明道·古典傢俱及玉器賞石

明以前·玉劍飾 (一組四件)編號:3105成交價:RMB 1,345,000拍賣日期:2013-12-17拍賣專場:萃古熙今·文房古玩專場(A廳拍)

印西漢 玉劍飾組含玉印編號:1522成交價:RMB 1,313,600拍賣日期:2008-05-11拍賣專場:中國玉器




















唐 愷
















































猛獁象亦稱長毛象,生於數萬年前,因地球出現數次氣候劇變,已於一萬餘年前絕跡。 從西伯利亞的永凍冰層中挖掘出的猛獁象牙,由於常年低溫而沒有變成化石的部份,不僅保持象牙原有的質地,並且在硬度、密度和白潤程度等方面都超過當代象牙,享有生物珍寶之美譽加之中國獨特精湛的牙雕技藝,使之成為極具收藏價值的藝術品









Name: Jade sword of Han Dynasty

Material: and Tian Qingyu

Specification: Sword long, 24.5cm wide, 3.5cm thick, 0.5-0.8cm

Weight: 398 grams

Age: Han Dynasty

Price: RMB:58 million

Expert review:

Big door collection, old knife, water is good, quality is good, the old oil natural patina, agate patina is very thick, beautifully designed, auspicious, the appreciation of space, with high value of collection.

The sword is "the prince of hundred soldiers, from the Shang Dynasty began as a weapon, after thousands of years, to the Han Dynasty, has gradually withdrew from the stage of war, but more as wearing ceremonial objects, become an important indispensable embellishment of life in the Han dynasty. War is, often with Chinese sword, jade articles, after thousands of years, jade sword sword has decayed, but with its exquisite texture and ornamentation is cherished, become an important category of ancient jade collection. Chinese jade sword in battle beast Chi Wen gorgeous face, and the simple valley line line Pu is common, but few auspicious patterns, in the hierarchy of the Han Dynasty, the auspicious pattern for the royal house, the Han Dynasty Jade sword, sword, the sword, sword guard, ruishou PIL decoration pattern, decoration elegant, fine workmanship perfection, should be used by the emperor's etiquette, iron Qin, quaint noble, preserved, commendable!

Yu Jian is the exquisite jade decorative ornaments in a weapon on the sword, decorated with jade head, Yu Jiange, Yu Jianzhi (Wei), Yu Jianbi (BI) of the ancients named the jade sword, with the sword. Jade sword rise from the Warring States period, to the Han Dynasty to the peak, after the Han Dynasty gradually decline and disappear. Historically, it was a treasure representing the identity of the nobility and a precious gift.

"Yuan said," anti matter has been set: "by Hou Wei had left the prince, Fuyu with the sword, with the right Peihuan, left left right right light, light. Prince not look. Hou said, "Wei has treasure?" Prince Edward said: "the Lord, the faithful, the people, and Wei Guobao, too." The Marquis answered the sword and went to pei." This story reflects the nobility was much as jade and jade jewelry treasures with sword.

Based on the observation of the Han Dynasty Jade sword comb, it is not difficult to find, the jade sword of Han Dynasty seen, mostly in high relief decoration pan Chi pattern as the main characteristic. Although these Chi lines sometimes appear in the jade and other jade, but jade sword on Chi Wen more lively and vivid. At this time the other changed the original style of the Warring States period, rapid development has become a new Chinese very love to tiger for the tone of the animal image. It opens the most brilliant page in the history of Chi Wen, is also the golden age in the development process of Chi wen. It can be said that the jade dragon motif in Han Dynasty, great changes have taken place in terms of quantity, quality, technology and other aspects, has almost replaced the domination of the Dragon status. At the same time it's image but also more specific, more mature and more perfect, and began to complete differentiation and snake evolution itself, walked. Although the head retains the original outline, but in specific characterization is more similar to the cat or tiger. Especially the body is completely out of the base snake and tiger, began to blend, towards the ferocious beasts, and in order to represent the ancient soldiers mighty heroic, this is our people praised by recognized pan Chi pattern. However, it is not with the tiger, and the tiger and has nothing to do, they are two completely different animal (also each have a fetish), a series of different development.

Ban Gu in the "preface" Yanran mountain Ming had: "Eagle school, Li tiger,". It is self-evident that Chi pattern in the process of evolution, not only the appearance change, but also has the new meaning in people's ideology. At this time, it was no longer a God at a distance, and became a symbol of people's life, status and aesthetic. Therefore, the Han Dynasty Jade Chi Wen made very beautiful (but not exclude tools, equipment and technology and other conditions that can provide). Many of the unearthed materials shows that, although the Han Dynasty Jade Dragon has been finalized, but there is no similar sense, at the same time combination form is more rich and colorful, ever-changing, especially the kind of high spirited and bold and unrestrained artistic style, here has been fully embodied. The artist's ability and cleverness also in the small jade materials are the most incisive play, so that the Han Dynasty Jade Chi Wen style presents a lively and vivid and vigorous magnificent momentum, let people excited very touching. To the Han Dynasty, it flourished, and become mutual gifts. The "Han Hun biography" contains: "the Chanyu air sub Ganquan palace, give out jade sword." "Han Wang Mang biography" also contains: "the jade with a sword, to feel good." The Western Han Dynasty, is still in the Warring States period popular "Lord of the world, with Gejian bead jade treasure" ("LvShiChunQiu and extravagant music"), to wear jade with a sword for fashion, especially the continuous development and technology, so the Han Dynasty jade jade ornament with number of sword the war greatly increased. Although the shape and craft have basically inherited the traditional style of the Warring States period, the design and decoration are more novel and unique. In addition to face cut ornaments Shoumian, moire, valley line, especially in the relief of the pan Chi pattern is the most characteristic. Its layout is reasonable, vivid and skillful, the round and delicate grinding, gorgeous fine, with high artistic value.

In recent years, jade sword decorated part of the auction record:

Ming jewelry jade sword number: 1109: RMB 1368000 price auction date: 2014-12-14 auction special: Jerneh Ming, classical furniture and jade stone

Before Ming Dynasty, jade sword (a group of four numbers: 3105) price: RMB 1345000 auction auction date: 2013-12-17: This study, extraction of ancient city antique special (A hall shot)

Western Han Dynasty Jade sword decoration group containing jade printed number: 1522, the transaction price: RMB 1313600 auction date: 2008-05-11 auction special: Chinese jade





Name: Jianguo Bao

Material: Hetian jade white jade

Specification: 6.5x6.5x7.5cm

Weight: 560 grams

Price: RMB:38 million

Collection value:

In memory of the only official mark of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the supreme theme of the country's 65th anniversary established the impregnable value space

National jade carving master, intangible cultural heritage Wu Haizhou creation, writing 1 million 500 thousand yuan "Olympic emblem" value of legend!

Rare and Tian Qing jade pure hand carved, reproduce 160 million "overlord round seal" myth of wealth

CCTV "appreciation" chief expert Tang Kai praised "Bao Xi treasures", that is bound to create value legend

Waiting for 65 years, the town of new Chinese India - "the Bao Xi has finally come out, Jack is blessing Jiangshan YONGGU, flourishing country people!

[author's brief introduction]

The world heritage Haizhou jade expert Wu Pro System

"National treasure archives" Kam Po expert Tang Kai recommended

Experts predicted: "building" national treasure Yuxi appreciation potential Ruibukedang

Kai Tang

Professor of archaeology, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Chief consultant of cultural relics exchange center of Chinese cultural relics Society

The Central Television CCTV-4 "national treasure archives" Kam Po expert

Highly affirmed "Jian national treasure Xi" and inscription "Bao Xi treasures""

Wu Haizhou

China's famous jade carving Masters

China Gem and jade association director

Curator of Chinese Jade Culture Museum

A folk craft artist awarded by the United Nations

Huang Jianxin

Chairman Mao research expert

Director of the China Council for the promotion of culture

Secretary General of the national Mao Zedong Memorial Society

Deputy director, creative culture centre, China Council for the promotion of culture


Chairman Mao guards

Mao, calligraphy, inheritors

Avery Zhou

Chairman Mao's bodyguard

Former residence administrator of Zhongnanhai Mao Zedong

[value analysis]

"The great man and the highest double theme", "from" Hotan handmade green jade "," national non genetic order of jade carving master "," CCTV Kam Po expert Tang Kai price escort "," national treasures record breaking price myth "," only limited less than 10000 yuan, issued "six value established the myth of wealth rose up!

The subject has a collection of 135 thousand times the appreciation of myth, Chairman Mao theme collections of hundreds of millions of dollars, the two highest legends together, will once again be high value.

The theme collections have steadily rising value rate of gold, "People's Republic of China Ji 106M established 15th anniversary" stamps, par value is only 0.24 yuan, the current market price of 32600 yuan, 40 years soared more than 135 thousand times; the pronoun of Chairman Mao theme collections has long been regarded as wealth, in 1995 China auctions Liu Chunhua "Chairman Mao" Anyuan oil painting shoot to 6 million 50 thousand yuan in 2012, Beijing nine auction a wool blanket that Chairman Mao made a 2 million 530 thousand yuan price, the ordinary, the great theme collections value of hundreds of millions of dollars, "national treasure" and the construction of Xi with great double value, the peak value is bound to win.

A price difference of ten times, and Tian Qing jade in price, small value of 10G weight of hundreds of thousands of million, 500g built national treasure Yuxi material value is self-evident!

As everyone knows, Hetian jade color is white the higher the price, the same weight of a piece of green jade jade than the price higher than 10 times or even hundreds of times. Since the Hetian jade is ban after mining, a serious imbalance in supply and demand, especially the green jade resources depleted, causing prices to rise directly to a high position, ten years or more than 10000 times, creating a shocking investment miracle! Mr. Zhang has many years experience of jade said: "the mall, about 10g weight of green jade pieces of the lowest price in 1500 yuan, so calculated," the Bao Xi "weighs about 500g, only the value of jade is as high as several million yuan, it does not want to make money is difficult."

The ancient town of Bao Xi are priceless, ordinary jade Bao Xi took out 482 million 500 thousand yuan, "David" Guozihao built Yuxi set position and Hetian green jade is a very valuable.

The ancient town of Bao Xi is known as "the enemy of the price of the price of grams of treasure, not the mysterious disappearance, is the loss of overseas, or seek a rare world museum. In recent years, Yuxi record high June 2010 auction, Yu Jen international art auction, a Qing Emperor Qianlong Qing Chi dragon Yuxi record price of 482 million 500 thousand yuan in June 2013, CITIC International Spring Auction, a jasper dragon new square Yuxi to 96 million 410 thousand yuan turnover, so the price of ordinary green Yuxi tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars. "The town of Bao Xi Bao Xi" have high status and green jade precious material in a body, is bound to create more high investment myths.

Olympic emblem is a 1 million 500 thousand yuan price, the Yuxi sold for nearly 500 thousand yuan, 500g and Tian bluish white jade

Is a collection of patriotism, inheritance is the national spirit, investment of millions of wealth, gift is as good as gold

300g of the Beijing Olympic emblem, since 2008 from the issue price of 56 thousand yuan soared to 1 million 500 thousand yuan price, 1 kg of Yuxi Expo was issued just over sold for 500 thousand yuan at high prices. The new town "built Chinese treasure treasure Yuxi" than the Olympic emblem, the Expo theme Yuxi more authoritative and more precious jade material, process is more exquisite, more significant, circulation of scarcity, is bound to go beyond the Olympic emblem, the value of the myth of yuxi. The largest profit margins for collectors, is the best choice for collection, home, gifts, investment!



Name: Qibao mammoth ivory.

Mammoth ivory

Age: Ancient

Weight: 1137 grams

Price: RMB:198 million


Name: 100 blessing blessing in front of mammoth ivory ball

Mammoth ivory

Age: Ancient

Weight: 577 grams

Price: RMB:218 million

Find the ruins of the glacier, the mammoth mammoth, the ancient glacier:

Also known as the mammoth mammoth, born in several million years ago, several times due to global climate change, extinct in ten thousand years ago. From digging out the ice in the permafrost mammoth ivory in Siberia, due to the perennial low temperature without fossilized parts, not only keep the original texture of ivory, ivory and contemporary than in hardness, density and moist degree etc., has the reputation of being biological treasure and China's unique exquisite ivory carving skills, making it very Collectible Art

China's ivory carving and ivory originated very early, about 7000 years ago in the Neolithic age, ivory first is just a practical tool, later with the lapse of time, the gradual emergence of decorative items, and become the mainstream of the ivory carving. Yuyao Hemudu Site cultural relics unearthed in Zhejiang ivory carving small cup, ivory bird shaped dagger is ivory products the earliest known. Cultural relics unearthed in the Neolithic Age in Shandong Dawenkou ivory carving carving, ivory, ivory comb barrel beads, ivory tube exquisite craft products. Neolithic people already know how to use a incised, carved, even carvings and other techniques to express their ideas all. Their works are bold and creative attempts because they are not bound by any tradition. These prehistoric ivory, fully reflects the understanding of the primitive society of the ancestors of the carving art, so that we can not help but wonder the original human creative talent and performance.

One year after the development of Chinese ivory carving, in the middle of Qing Dynasty gradually formed a number of relatively concentrated production, mainly in Guangzhou, Suzhou, Beijing as the representative. Between the production centers, both in terms of subject and form to maintain the style features, but also infiltrate each other, there are technical exchanges. After 1970s, with convenient transportation, the development of information technology, around the ivory artist frequent exchanges, learn skills, learn from each other, each area of ivory color, on the one hand, the formation of the four main areas of Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Tianjin, Fuzhou, and other places such as Yueqing, on the other hand their style also gradually fade, this is an inevitable trend. Fine neat, exquisitely carved Guangzhou Ivory represented by Guangzhou, called Guangzhou ivory, Beijing ivory has elegant palace art character.

The mammoth died and was buried in Siberia's permafrost or ice, after thousands of years, has gradually become a fossil or semi fossil, but as the texture of African ivory like delicate and moist, or wear are set to play with African ivory two, hardness is slightly higher than that of African ivory. Mammoth ivory meets people since ancient times, some of the "ivory complex", the continuation of the ivory carving art life.

Thank you for your appreciation!

More collections, stay tuned

