寧波海關偵破2起特大走私成品油案 案值約2.4億元

法制 社會 浪潮新聞 2017-06-12

中國網浪潮資訊 近日,記者從寧波海關獲悉,該海關連續偵破2起特大走私成品油案件。據初步統計,兩起案件共查證涉案成品油約3.5萬噸,案值合計約2.4億元。

CNCAO NEWS Recently, journalist has known from Ningbo customs that two massive refined oil smuggling cases have been detected one after another by them. According to the preliminary statistics, there are about 35,000-ton refined oil found to be involved in these two cases, with total value of around 240 million yuan involved in.

寧波海關偵破2起特大走私成品油案 案值約2.4億元


On April 27, Beijing Time, Ningbo customs destroyed two smuggling gangs secretly transporting product oil by sea in the police action called "NB1704", arresting 25 suspects.


On May 18, Beijing Time, the other smuggling gang of refined oil was also caught by Ningbo customs in their police action called "NB1705", with 35 suspects in total.


It is said that these three gangs were operated in "family mode", whose core members were all relatives with comparatively strong anti reconnaissance capability.

寧波海關偵破2起特大走私成品油案 案值約2.4億元


From 2016 to 2017, these three groups had illegally transhipped refined oil from the master oil supply vessels over and over again to get those smuggled products to the bank in no-customs docks via secretly transhipping by sea and then discharging cargoes in nearby oil depot wharves or directly transporting those products by oil trankers. The final stage is to sale those oil to the rebuyers in the Yangtze River Delta region to gain profits.


According to introduction, these two refined oil smuggling cases are in the further investigation at present.

(中國網見習記者 魏詩盈 綜合報道 孫吳琦/譯)

