高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+



2016 浙江卷 B篇 (應用文)

Children with School Problems: A Physician’s Manual

The Canadian Paediatric Society,Andrews Debra; Mahoney William J ,2012 |Wiley


The physician’s guide to diagnosing and treating learning disabilities in children. 1 in 10 Canadians have a learning disability, and doctors must be able to identify , diagnose , treat, and manage children…

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4.Children with School Problems:A Physician’s Manual is most likely intended for______.

A. educators B. librarians

C. doctors D. artists

答案:C. 推理判斷題。從文章中的"The physician’s guide to diagnosing and treating…and doctors must be …"可推知,該書的讀書對象最有可能是醫生,故選C.

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+



2016 浙江卷 B篇 (應用文)

Children with School Problems: A Physician’s Manual

The Canadian Paediatric Society,Andrews Debra; Mahoney William J ,2012 |Wiley


The physician’s guide to diagnosing and treating learning disabilities in children. 1 in 10 Canadians have a learning disability, and doctors must be able to identify , diagnose , treat, and manage children…

Read this book | View details | Add to Collection

4.Children with School Problems:A Physician’s Manual is most likely intended for______.

A. educators B. librarians

C. doctors D. artists

答案:C. 推理判斷題。從文章中的"The physician’s guide to diagnosing and treating…and doctors must be …"可推知,該書的讀書對象最有可能是醫生,故選C.

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+

2014年 廣東卷 C篇 (記敘文)

I started my journey as a Lighthouse Project volunteer by reading as much as I could about the experiences of previous volunteers. I knew it would be a lot of hard work, and that I would be away from my family and friends for a very long time . In short,I did not take my decision to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly. Neither did my family.

2. According to Paragraph2 , it is most likely that the author______ .

A. discussed his decision with his family

B.asked previous volunteers about voluntary work

C.attended special training to perform difficult tasks.

D.felt sad about having to leave his family and friends

答案:A. 推理判斷題。根據第二段“I did not take my decision to apply for the Light house Project lightly. Neither did my family.“可知作者的決定並不是輕易做出的,他的家人也一樣,所以他的決定應該是和父母商議過的。故選A。

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+



2016 浙江卷 B篇 (應用文)

Children with School Problems: A Physician’s Manual

The Canadian Paediatric Society,Andrews Debra; Mahoney William J ,2012 |Wiley


The physician’s guide to diagnosing and treating learning disabilities in children. 1 in 10 Canadians have a learning disability, and doctors must be able to identify , diagnose , treat, and manage children…

Read this book | View details | Add to Collection

4.Children with School Problems:A Physician’s Manual is most likely intended for______.

A. educators B. librarians

C. doctors D. artists

答案:C. 推理判斷題。從文章中的"The physician’s guide to diagnosing and treating…and doctors must be …"可推知,該書的讀書對象最有可能是醫生,故選C.

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+

2014年 廣東卷 C篇 (記敘文)

I started my journey as a Lighthouse Project volunteer by reading as much as I could about the experiences of previous volunteers. I knew it would be a lot of hard work, and that I would be away from my family and friends for a very long time . In short,I did not take my decision to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly. Neither did my family.

2. According to Paragraph2 , it is most likely that the author______ .

A. discussed his decision with his family

B.asked previous volunteers about voluntary work

C.attended special training to perform difficult tasks.

D.felt sad about having to leave his family and friends

答案:A. 推理判斷題。根據第二段“I did not take my decision to apply for the Light house Project lightly. Neither did my family.“可知作者的決定並不是輕易做出的,他的家人也一樣,所以他的決定應該是和父母商議過的。故選A。

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+



高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+



2016 浙江卷 B篇 (應用文)

Children with School Problems: A Physician’s Manual

The Canadian Paediatric Society,Andrews Debra; Mahoney William J ,2012 |Wiley


The physician’s guide to diagnosing and treating learning disabilities in children. 1 in 10 Canadians have a learning disability, and doctors must be able to identify , diagnose , treat, and manage children…

Read this book | View details | Add to Collection

4.Children with School Problems:A Physician’s Manual is most likely intended for______.

A. educators B. librarians

C. doctors D. artists

答案:C. 推理判斷題。從文章中的"The physician’s guide to diagnosing and treating…and doctors must be …"可推知,該書的讀書對象最有可能是醫生,故選C.

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+

2014年 廣東卷 C篇 (記敘文)

I started my journey as a Lighthouse Project volunteer by reading as much as I could about the experiences of previous volunteers. I knew it would be a lot of hard work, and that I would be away from my family and friends for a very long time . In short,I did not take my decision to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly. Neither did my family.

2. According to Paragraph2 , it is most likely that the author______ .

A. discussed his decision with his family

B.asked previous volunteers about voluntary work

C.attended special training to perform difficult tasks.

D.felt sad about having to leave his family and friends

答案:A. 推理判斷題。根據第二段“I did not take my decision to apply for the Light house Project lightly. Neither did my family.“可知作者的決定並不是輕易做出的,他的家人也一樣,所以他的決定應該是和父母商議過的。故選A。

高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+



高中英語 閱讀理解:推理判斷題解題技巧(8)高考英語130+


