













Frank likes to fly. He travels by plane every month. One day he read the newspaper. An airplane fell to the ground because of a bird. The airplane was above the airport when it hit a bird. This is not good news. Frank is afraid to fly. Frank wants to find an idea. He visits some airports and speaks with managers at the airports. They tell him they use different ways to keep birds away from airports, but the birds always come back.

Frank goes to a friend, Bernard, who works in a zoo. He has an idea. He asks Bernard to take one special bird and go with him to the airport. The airport manager welcomes Frank and Bernard. Frank asks the airport manager to go out to the roads in the airport to try something. Bernard takes out the special bird from a box. This bird eats other birds. They let him fly. It flies to catch a bird at the airport. All birds fly away. The special bird flies back. It is a great idea. The airport manager is smiling.

根據短文內容, 選擇最佳答案.

( ) 1.What does Frank like?

A. Travelling. B. Flying.

C. Catching birds. D. Reading.

( ) 2. When Frank hears the bad news about the airplane, he is _______to fly.

A. excited B. afraid

C. tired D. happy

( ) 3. Frank goes to ask_____for help.

A. his father B. his mother

C. his brother D. his friend

( ) 4. Bernard asks Frank to take ______to the airport.

A. the special bird B. the computer

C. the manager D. a box

( ) 5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The manager is happy with the new method.

B. Frank will not take a plane in the future.

C. Bernard doesn’t know about the birds.

D. The special bird doesn’t catch the birds at the airport.




1. A細節理解題。根據第1段第一、二句Frank likes to fly. He travels by plane every month.可知,選A。

2. B細節理解題。根據第1段的This is not good news. Frank is afraid to fly.可知,選B。

3. D細節理解題。根據第2段的Frank goes to a friend, Bernard, who works in a zoo.可知,選D。

4. A 細節理解題。根據第2段的He asks Bernard to take one special bird and go with him to the airport.可知,選A。

5. A 推理判斷題。根據第2段的最後一句The airport manager is smiling. 可知經理對這個新方法很滿意,選A。


special [ˈspeʃl] adj. 特殊的

例句:You're very special to me, darling. 親愛的,你對我來說很特別。


He asks Bernard to take one special bird and go with him to the airport. 他要求伯納德帶一隻特別的鳥,和他一起去機場。

ask sb to do sth叫某人去做某事 go with和某人一起去




