
中考 升學考試 教育 英語老師駱軍 2017-08-03


1,be made up of 由。。。組成

A football team is made up of ten players 一個足球隊由10個運動員組成

2,be made as 被製造作為 It is made as a tool 它被製造作為一個工具

3,Be made in 製造於+地點 It’s made in China 它是中國製造

4,Be made to do 被製造去做 It is made to write它是被製造去寫字

5,no matter what =whatever無論什麼,no matter where =wherever 無論在哪裡,

no matter who =whoever無論誰

6,be famous for =be well known for 以。。。出名

China is famous/well known for the Great Wall 中國以長城出名

7, be well known as=be famous as 作為。。。出名

He is famous as a teacher = He is well known as a teacher 他作為一個老師出名

7,for example 例如,such as 舉例

For example ,He gets up early 例如,他每天都起床很早

He likes fruit ,such as apples ,bananas and grapes 他喜歡水果,例如蘋果,香蕉,和葡萄

8,Both。。。and =Both of 兩個都 Both you and I are Chinese =Both of us are Chinese我們兩個都是中國人

9,send away 開除, He has been sent away 他已經被開除了

10,send for 派,請, I must send for a teacher 我必須請一個老師

11,send out =give out 發出 I sent out many books /I gave out many books我發出很多書

12,cover。。。with 用。。。蓋住 I cover it with my pen 我用鋼筆蓋住它

13,rise into 升入。 The balloon rose into the sky 氣球升入了天空

14,As far as I know ,He is a good man 據我所知,他是一個好人

15,Seem to do sth=it seems that +從句 好像做。。。

He seems to play football =It seems that he plays football 他好像踢足球了

16,find 找到,I find you 我找到你, look for 尋找,I am looking for you 我在尋找你

find out 查明,I must find out the truth 我必須找到真相

