考研英語|寫作應用文Part A-根據類型背誦範文(一)

考研 英語 範文 文學 阿奔說 阿奔說 2017-11-03

在考研英語的寫作中,分為兩節,而我分享的是Part A。

大綱:考生根據所給情景寫出約 100 詞(標點符號不計算在內)的應用性短文,包括私人和公務信函、備忘錄、報告等。

在考研英語中,常考的書信類應用文大致包括 10 種,分別是建議信、投訴信、諮詢信、推薦信、求職信、申請信、道歉信、感謝信、祝賀信、邀請信。這一篇先寫建議信。

考研英語|寫作應用文Part A-根據類型背誦範文(一)​【每篇一圖】“再痛也要昂頭走下去,相信明天的明天會強於今天”



建議信是就某個或某些問題向有關個人、部門、機構提出合理性建議的信件,目的是讓對方接受自己的主張,以解決現存問題,因此建議信要求簡明扼要、目的明確、建議合理、理由充足。在近 13 年的真題中,建議信分別在 2007 年、2009 年、2012 年和2014 年考過。


關鍵詞:suggest, suggestion

advise, advice

propose, proposal







1. I hope you will find the suggestions / proposals above helpful / practical / useful / conducive.

2. I sincerely hope that my proposals would be considered and positive changes take place in these regards.

3. Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.

4. I really hope my suggestions would attract your due attention and receive an early reply.

5. I will be delighted to speak to you if you require additional information.



Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university, suggesting how to improve students’ physical condition.

You should include the details you think necessary.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)


Dear President,

I am a student in this university who is taking charge of Sports Association. Generally speaking, the ways that you offer to improve our physical condition are quite good; however, I have some better suggestions for you.

Firstly, it would be greatly appreciated if you could set swimming and skating as students’ regular exercises, because exercise is always making us more energetic. Moreover, a balanced diet and sufficient sleep are both necessary to our health. So it is advisable for you to put emphasis on developing students’ good habits.

I hope that you will find these suggestions helpful.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming



