“一帶一路”推動外貿增長 浙江外貿出口額首破1800億元

韓國 美國 紡織 國外宏觀 浪潮新聞 2017-06-19


CNCAO NEWS Recently,there have been good news for foreign trades of Zhejiang.The statistics released by Hangzhou Customs shows that from this year's January to May,the imports and exports,export volume,import volume have all increased.Especially in May,the total volume of imports and exports of Zhejiang has broken through 235.61 billion yuan,with the year-on-year growth of 20%,among which the export volume reached 184.28 billion yuan,whose first time to break through 180 billion yuan,with the growth of 16.7%and the import volume reached 51.33 billion yuan,with the growth of 33.1%.The monthly import and export volume have both peaked a historical high.Experts for customs said that thanks to the warming of global trades and the construction of"the Belt and Road",the amount of exports from Zhejiang to America,Korea and countries along"the Belt and Road"maintained rapid increase.

“一帶一路”推動外貿增長 浙江外貿出口額首破1800億元


According to the data from Hangzhou Customs,from January to May in this year,the volume of imports and exports of Zhejiang was as high as 996.05 billion yuan,with the growth of 19.6%,accounting for 9.3%of the national counterpart.Among that,the amount of exports reached 750.2 billion yuan,with the growth of 13.6,accounting for 12.8%of the country's whole exports and the volume of imports was 245.85 billion yuan,with the growth of 42.9%,accounting for 5.0%of the national total parts.


As for exporting,the European Union is still the largest exporting market with the growth of 11.4%from January to May.Among diverse major export trading partners,the increase of exporting to America and Korea is most eye-catching,the growth is of 17.3%and 23.1%respectively.Besides,the amount of exports towards countries along"the Belt and Road"also stays relatively dramatic growth,which is 12.7%.


As for the exported commodities,the exporting growth of mechanical and electrical products jumps.From January to May,the increase of those from Zhejiang reached to 16.1%,accounting for 43.6%of the total exporting volume in Zhejiang.Among which the growth of vessels,automatic data-processing equipment(ADPE)along with its components and mobile phones is separately 29%,56.5%and two times.At the same time,the exporting growth of textiles and clothing and other six traditional labor-intensive products is 9.2%,accounting for 35.8%of the whole.

(中國網記者 鄧一鳴綜合報道 孫吳琦/譯)

