考霸必背 考研英語重點詞彙 scope spectrum range complement

adapt[ə'dæpt]vt.使適應 改編 vi.適應 適合

Ultimately, most people find ways to adapt to these technologies and sometimes use them to increase, rather than reduce, their social connectedness.


Weber’s previous books include Hitler’s First War, which is being adapted into a television mini-series.


adjust[ə'dʒʌst]vt.調整 調節 校正 使...適於 vi.適應

adopt[ə'dɔpt]vt.收養 採用 採取 接受

foster['fɔstə] vt.養育;收養;懷抱;鼓勵 a.收養的 n.養育者

They also added oxygen to the atmosphere, affecting the climate and influencing conditions that fostered the emergence of other life forms.


The program’s goal was to educate students about the value of local produce, as well as to foster partnerships between local farmers and the university.


boom[bu:m] v.迅速發展,興旺;發出隆隆聲

考霸必背 考研英語重點詞彙 scope spectrum range complement

The Maryland economy is really booming, and anything from farming to cybersecurity needs people who are technologists, and the gender gap is only getting wider.


But while consumer demand contributed to the restaurant boom, it was changes on Wall Street that really fueled the explosion.


Since the 1950s, the government faced a fundamental problem administering a peacetime system of conscription: The baby boom produced too many draft-age men.


prompt[prɔmpt]adj. 及時的 迅速的 敏捷的 立刻的

vt. 敦促 激起 促進 推動 提示vi. 提示

The weather prompted dozens of schools across the region to either cancel classes entirely or delay the start of school.


Aren’t you interested in what prompted such behaviour, rather than simply focused on punishing it?


swift[swift]adj.快的 反應快的 迅速的n.雨燕 線軸n.斯威夫特(人名)adv.快速地

promote[prə'məut]vt.促進 發揚 提升 升遷 發起促銷


Anything pushing up rent and home prices is a public concern, and it’s really the impetus for many cities wanting to regulate Airbnb.


complement['kɔmplimənt] n.補足物,船上的定員;補語 vt.補充,補足

“Our lunar depot plan is a strong complement to other plans intended to eventually put people on Mars.”


She was cured — and became a lifelong advocate of homeopathy and other alternative healing methods to complement conventional medicine.


implement['impliment] n.(pl.)工具,器具 v.貫徹,實現

“Once fully implemented, the current rules would unfairly and arbitrarily limit students’ ability to pursue certain types of higher education and career training programs.”


renovate['renəuveit] v.更新,修復

Those who stayed endured months of construction as the other apartments were renovated.


renew[ri'nju:]vt.使更新 復始 使恢復 補充vi.更新 重新開始

variable['vɛəriəbl]adj.易變的 可變的n.變量 易變的東西

invariably ad.不變地,永恆地,總是

variation[.vɛəri'eiʃən]n.變化 變動 變異 變種 變奏曲

variety[və'raiəti]n.多樣化 種類 變種 雜耍

various['vɛəriəs]adj.各種各樣的 不同的

vary['vɛəri]vt.改變 變化 使多樣化

range[reindʒ]n.排行 山脈 爐灶 範圍 行列 射程v.排列 歸類於 延伸 漫遊

“I grew up in a time when I was just exposed to a wonderful range of ideas in a segregated library.”


A new iPad is considerably more expensive, but offers a much wider range of functions in return.


And importantly, participants ranged in age from 19 to 84, so each person’s period of youth corresponded to a different era in American history.


scope[skəup]n.範圍 餘地 機會 能力 眼界 vt.仔細研究

The scope and scale of damage are among some of the worst from wildfires in state history.


In view of land constraints and competing needs, there is limited scope for further expansion of the road network.


spectrum['spektrəm] n.譜,光譜,頻譜;範圍,幅度,系列

考霸必背 考研英語重點詞彙 scope spectrum range complement

The former component radiates most of its energy in the infrared, while the latter dominates the optical and ultraviolet spectrum.


diverse[dai'və:s]adj.不一樣的 相異的 不同的 多種多樣的

考霸必背 考研英語重點詞彙 scope spectrum range complement


