考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等


tutor['tju:tə]n.家庭教師 導師v.當家庭教師 當導師 指導


tutor['tju:tə]n.家庭教師 導師v.當家庭教師 當導師 指導

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

lecture['lektʃə]n. &vi.演講 講課 教導 教訓 斥責

instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教 指示 通知 命令 指導 [計算機] 指示

instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.命令 指令 教學 教訓 說明 須知

supervise['sju:pəvaiz] v.管理,監督

interpret[in'tə:prit] vt.解釋 說明 口譯 翻譯 演出 [計算機] 解釋


interpreter[in'tə:pritə]n.譯員 口譯者 解釋 程序

acquire[ə'kwaiə] v.獲得;學到(知識等);養成(習慣)

Magazine publisher Meredith Corp. reportedly is again in talks to acquire Time Inc., this time with financial backing from the billionaire Koch brothers.


acquisition[,ækwi'ziʃən] n.取得,學到,養成(習慣);獲得的東西


tutor['tju:tə]n.家庭教師 導師v.當家庭教師 當導師 指導

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

lecture['lektʃə]n. &vi.演講 講課 教導 教訓 斥責

instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教 指示 通知 命令 指導 [計算機] 指示

instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.命令 指令 教學 教訓 說明 須知

supervise['sju:pəvaiz] v.管理,監督

interpret[in'tə:prit] vt.解釋 說明 口譯 翻譯 演出 [計算機] 解釋


interpreter[in'tə:pritə]n.譯員 口譯者 解釋 程序

acquire[ə'kwaiə] v.獲得;學到(知識等);養成(習慣)

Magazine publisher Meredith Corp. reportedly is again in talks to acquire Time Inc., this time with financial backing from the billionaire Koch brothers.


acquisition[,ækwi'ziʃən] n.取得,學到,養成(習慣);獲得的東西

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

digest[di'dʒest] vt.消化;領會,融會貫通 n.文摘,摘要

assimilate[ə'simileit] vt.吸收,消化;使同化 vi.被吸收;被同化

The hope is that the students will assimilate into the culture, skills and relationships the game offers to enrich their lives.


subtract[səb'trækt] v. (from)減(去),扣掉

minus['mainəs]adj.負的 減的 prep.減(去) n.減號 負數 缺點

multiply['mʌltiplai]vt.使增加 乘 vi.擴大 繁衍 做乘法 adv.多樣地 多重地


tutor['tju:tə]n.家庭教師 導師v.當家庭教師 當導師 指導

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

lecture['lektʃə]n. &vi.演講 講課 教導 教訓 斥責

instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教 指示 通知 命令 指導 [計算機] 指示

instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.命令 指令 教學 教訓 說明 須知

supervise['sju:pəvaiz] v.管理,監督

interpret[in'tə:prit] vt.解釋 說明 口譯 翻譯 演出 [計算機] 解釋


interpreter[in'tə:pritə]n.譯員 口譯者 解釋 程序

acquire[ə'kwaiə] v.獲得;學到(知識等);養成(習慣)

Magazine publisher Meredith Corp. reportedly is again in talks to acquire Time Inc., this time with financial backing from the billionaire Koch brothers.


acquisition[,ækwi'ziʃən] n.取得,學到,養成(習慣);獲得的東西

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

digest[di'dʒest] vt.消化;領會,融會貫通 n.文摘,摘要

assimilate[ə'simileit] vt.吸收,消化;使同化 vi.被吸收;被同化

The hope is that the students will assimilate into the culture, skills and relationships the game offers to enrich their lives.


subtract[səb'trækt] v. (from)減(去),扣掉

minus['mainəs]adj.負的 減的 prep.減(去) n.減號 負數 缺點

multiply['mʌltiplai]vt.使增加 乘 vi.擴大 繁衍 做乘法 adv.多樣地 多重地

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

From there, the bacteria multiply and spread throughout the body, causing severe illness, and, if left untreated, death.


Taller trucks, trailers and combines - many of which are significantly wider than in the past - multiply the likelihood that accidents might happen.

卡車,拖車和聯合收割機等現在更高 - 其中許多比過去寬得多 - 這增加事故發生的可能性。

multiple['mʌltipl]adj.複合的 並聯的 許多 多種多樣的

Yet applying green construction to multiple buildings at once may be an even better idea.


multitude['mʌlti,tju:d, -,tu:d] n.眾多,大量

While there may be a multitude of websites that offer free sample forms, it is best not to rely on them.


triple['tripl] n.三倍數 a.三倍的;三部分構成的v.使成三倍

calculate['kælkjuleit]vt.計算 估計 考慮 推測 計劃 vi.計算 預測 依賴

calculation[.kælkju'leiʃən]n.計算 計算結果

calculator['kælkju.leitə]n.計算器 計算者

count[kaunt]vt.計算 視為 依賴 vi.數 計數n.計數

"All you got from him is your looks and your size. You've got your mother's heart, and that's what counts."


On all counts, the auto industry is struggling to catch up.


On all counts在各方面; 完全

I’m counting on each of you to do your utmost to combat violence against women with determination and efficiency.



tutor['tju:tə]n.家庭教師 導師v.當家庭教師 當導師 指導

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

lecture['lektʃə]n. &vi.演講 講課 教導 教訓 斥責

instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教 指示 通知 命令 指導 [計算機] 指示

instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.命令 指令 教學 教訓 說明 須知

supervise['sju:pəvaiz] v.管理,監督

interpret[in'tə:prit] vt.解釋 說明 口譯 翻譯 演出 [計算機] 解釋


interpreter[in'tə:pritə]n.譯員 口譯者 解釋 程序

acquire[ə'kwaiə] v.獲得;學到(知識等);養成(習慣)

Magazine publisher Meredith Corp. reportedly is again in talks to acquire Time Inc., this time with financial backing from the billionaire Koch brothers.


acquisition[,ækwi'ziʃən] n.取得,學到,養成(習慣);獲得的東西

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

digest[di'dʒest] vt.消化;領會,融會貫通 n.文摘,摘要

assimilate[ə'simileit] vt.吸收,消化;使同化 vi.被吸收;被同化

The hope is that the students will assimilate into the culture, skills and relationships the game offers to enrich their lives.


subtract[səb'trækt] v. (from)減(去),扣掉

minus['mainəs]adj.負的 減的 prep.減(去) n.減號 負數 缺點

multiply['mʌltiplai]vt.使增加 乘 vi.擴大 繁衍 做乘法 adv.多樣地 多重地

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

From there, the bacteria multiply and spread throughout the body, causing severe illness, and, if left untreated, death.


Taller trucks, trailers and combines - many of which are significantly wider than in the past - multiply the likelihood that accidents might happen.

卡車,拖車和聯合收割機等現在更高 - 其中許多比過去寬得多 - 這增加事故發生的可能性。

multiple['mʌltipl]adj.複合的 並聯的 許多 多種多樣的

Yet applying green construction to multiple buildings at once may be an even better idea.


multitude['mʌlti,tju:d, -,tu:d] n.眾多,大量

While there may be a multitude of websites that offer free sample forms, it is best not to rely on them.


triple['tripl] n.三倍數 a.三倍的;三部分構成的v.使成三倍

calculate['kælkjuleit]vt.計算 估計 考慮 推測 計劃 vi.計算 預測 依賴

calculation[.kælkju'leiʃən]n.計算 計算結果

calculator['kælkju.leitə]n.計算器 計算者

count[kaunt]vt.計算 視為 依賴 vi.數 計數n.計數

"All you got from him is your looks and your size. You've got your mother's heart, and that's what counts."


On all counts, the auto industry is struggling to catch up.


On all counts在各方面; 完全

I’m counting on each of you to do your utmost to combat violence against women with determination and efficiency.


考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

counter['kauntə] n.櫃檯 計數器 計算者 [計算機] 計數器 adj.相反的

adv.與…相反地 vt.反對 反擊vi.反對 反擊

infinite['infinit]adj.無限的 無窮的 無數的 n.無限

finite['fainait] a.有限的;[數]有窮的,限定的


tutor['tju:tə]n.家庭教師 導師v.當家庭教師 當導師 指導

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

lecture['lektʃə]n. &vi.演講 講課 教導 教訓 斥責

instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教 指示 通知 命令 指導 [計算機] 指示

instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.命令 指令 教學 教訓 說明 須知

supervise['sju:pəvaiz] v.管理,監督

interpret[in'tə:prit] vt.解釋 說明 口譯 翻譯 演出 [計算機] 解釋


interpreter[in'tə:pritə]n.譯員 口譯者 解釋 程序

acquire[ə'kwaiə] v.獲得;學到(知識等);養成(習慣)

Magazine publisher Meredith Corp. reportedly is again in talks to acquire Time Inc., this time with financial backing from the billionaire Koch brothers.


acquisition[,ækwi'ziʃən] n.取得,學到,養成(習慣);獲得的東西

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

digest[di'dʒest] vt.消化;領會,融會貫通 n.文摘,摘要

assimilate[ə'simileit] vt.吸收,消化;使同化 vi.被吸收;被同化

The hope is that the students will assimilate into the culture, skills and relationships the game offers to enrich their lives.


subtract[səb'trækt] v. (from)減(去),扣掉

minus['mainəs]adj.負的 減的 prep.減(去) n.減號 負數 缺點

multiply['mʌltiplai]vt.使增加 乘 vi.擴大 繁衍 做乘法 adv.多樣地 多重地

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

From there, the bacteria multiply and spread throughout the body, causing severe illness, and, if left untreated, death.


Taller trucks, trailers and combines - many of which are significantly wider than in the past - multiply the likelihood that accidents might happen.

卡車,拖車和聯合收割機等現在更高 - 其中許多比過去寬得多 - 這增加事故發生的可能性。

multiple['mʌltipl]adj.複合的 並聯的 許多 多種多樣的

Yet applying green construction to multiple buildings at once may be an even better idea.


multitude['mʌlti,tju:d, -,tu:d] n.眾多,大量

While there may be a multitude of websites that offer free sample forms, it is best not to rely on them.


triple['tripl] n.三倍數 a.三倍的;三部分構成的v.使成三倍

calculate['kælkjuleit]vt.計算 估計 考慮 推測 計劃 vi.計算 預測 依賴

calculation[.kælkju'leiʃən]n.計算 計算結果

calculator['kælkju.leitə]n.計算器 計算者

count[kaunt]vt.計算 視為 依賴 vi.數 計數n.計數

"All you got from him is your looks and your size. You've got your mother's heart, and that's what counts."


On all counts, the auto industry is struggling to catch up.


On all counts在各方面; 完全

I’m counting on each of you to do your utmost to combat violence against women with determination and efficiency.


考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

counter['kauntə] n.櫃檯 計數器 計算者 [計算機] 計數器 adj.相反的

adv.與…相反地 vt.反對 反擊vi.反對 反擊

infinite['infinit]adj.無限的 無窮的 無數的 n.無限

finite['fainait] a.有限的;[數]有窮的,限定的

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

rectangle['rek,tæŋɡl] n.[數]矩形, 長方形"

triangle['traiæŋɡl] n.三角(形)

index['indeks]n.索引 指數 指標 指針vt.編入 索引中指出vi.編索引

odd[ɔd]adj.奇數的 單隻的 古怪的 剩餘的

odds[ɔdz] n.不平等,差異;機會

On the other, he offered frank recognition that the odds were often stacked against young people with immigrant backgrounds in the country’s suburban areas.



tutor['tju:tə]n.家庭教師 導師v.當家庭教師 當導師 指導

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

lecture['lektʃə]n. &vi.演講 講課 教導 教訓 斥責

instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教 指示 通知 命令 指導 [計算機] 指示

instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.命令 指令 教學 教訓 說明 須知

supervise['sju:pəvaiz] v.管理,監督

interpret[in'tə:prit] vt.解釋 說明 口譯 翻譯 演出 [計算機] 解釋


interpreter[in'tə:pritə]n.譯員 口譯者 解釋 程序

acquire[ə'kwaiə] v.獲得;學到(知識等);養成(習慣)

Magazine publisher Meredith Corp. reportedly is again in talks to acquire Time Inc., this time with financial backing from the billionaire Koch brothers.


acquisition[,ækwi'ziʃən] n.取得,學到,養成(習慣);獲得的東西

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

digest[di'dʒest] vt.消化;領會,融會貫通 n.文摘,摘要

assimilate[ə'simileit] vt.吸收,消化;使同化 vi.被吸收;被同化

The hope is that the students will assimilate into the culture, skills and relationships the game offers to enrich their lives.


subtract[səb'trækt] v. (from)減(去),扣掉

minus['mainəs]adj.負的 減的 prep.減(去) n.減號 負數 缺點

multiply['mʌltiplai]vt.使增加 乘 vi.擴大 繁衍 做乘法 adv.多樣地 多重地

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

From there, the bacteria multiply and spread throughout the body, causing severe illness, and, if left untreated, death.


Taller trucks, trailers and combines - many of which are significantly wider than in the past - multiply the likelihood that accidents might happen.

卡車,拖車和聯合收割機等現在更高 - 其中許多比過去寬得多 - 這增加事故發生的可能性。

multiple['mʌltipl]adj.複合的 並聯的 許多 多種多樣的

Yet applying green construction to multiple buildings at once may be an even better idea.


multitude['mʌlti,tju:d, -,tu:d] n.眾多,大量

While there may be a multitude of websites that offer free sample forms, it is best not to rely on them.


triple['tripl] n.三倍數 a.三倍的;三部分構成的v.使成三倍

calculate['kælkjuleit]vt.計算 估計 考慮 推測 計劃 vi.計算 預測 依賴

calculation[.kælkju'leiʃən]n.計算 計算結果

calculator['kælkju.leitə]n.計算器 計算者

count[kaunt]vt.計算 視為 依賴 vi.數 計數n.計數

"All you got from him is your looks and your size. You've got your mother's heart, and that's what counts."


On all counts, the auto industry is struggling to catch up.


On all counts在各方面; 完全

I’m counting on each of you to do your utmost to combat violence against women with determination and efficiency.


考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

counter['kauntə] n.櫃檯 計數器 計算者 [計算機] 計數器 adj.相反的

adv.與…相反地 vt.反對 反擊vi.反對 反擊

infinite['infinit]adj.無限的 無窮的 無數的 n.無限

finite['fainait] a.有限的;[數]有窮的,限定的

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

rectangle['rek,tæŋɡl] n.[數]矩形, 長方形"

triangle['traiæŋɡl] n.三角(形)

index['indeks]n.索引 指數 指標 指針vt.編入 索引中指出vi.編索引

odd[ɔd]adj.奇數的 單隻的 古怪的 剩餘的

odds[ɔdz] n.不平等,差異;機會

On the other, he offered frank recognition that the odds were often stacked against young people with immigrant backgrounds in the country’s suburban areas.


考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

This put her at odds with her son, who accused her of driving up rents for working families.


bizarre[bi'zɑ:] adj.異乎尋常的,稀奇古怪的

eccentric[ik'sentrik] a.古怪的,怪癖的,異乎尋常的n.古怪的人

A talented pattern maker, she transforms eccentric geometric shapes and super-realistic pictures — of people, pizza and paintings, among other things — into information-age hieroglyphs.


queer[kwiə] a.奇怪的,古怪的

sketch[sketʃ] n.素描;略圖,草圖;梗概 v.繪略圖,速寫,寫生

analogy[ə'nælədʒi] n.類似,相似,類比,類推

And the most attractive chapter, on the chemistry of light, draws a beautiful analogy between sound waves and musical notes, and electromagnetic wavelengths and colour.


Historical analogies are always imperfect, but for all intents and purposes, Manuelito was the Navajo equivalent of a Founding Father.


analogue['ænəlɔɡ] n.類似物;相似體;模擬

duplicate['dju:plikət] n.複製品 v.複寫,使加倍 a.複製的,二重的

The paper records are distributed, probably even duplicated in many respects, across dozens of different storage centers throughout the country.


decimal['desiməl] "a.十進的,小數的,十進制的 n.小數

geometry[dʒi'ɔmitri]n.幾何 幾何學

arithmetic[ə'riθmətik]n.算術 四則運算

symmetry['simitri] n.對稱(性);勻稱,整齊


tutor['tju:tə]n.家庭教師 導師v.當家庭教師 當導師 指導

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

lecture['lektʃə]n. &vi.演講 講課 教導 教訓 斥責

instruct[in'strʌkt]vt.教 指示 通知 命令 指導 [計算機] 指示

instruction[in'strʌkʃən]n.命令 指令 教學 教訓 說明 須知

supervise['sju:pəvaiz] v.管理,監督

interpret[in'tə:prit] vt.解釋 說明 口譯 翻譯 演出 [計算機] 解釋


interpreter[in'tə:pritə]n.譯員 口譯者 解釋 程序

acquire[ə'kwaiə] v.獲得;學到(知識等);養成(習慣)

Magazine publisher Meredith Corp. reportedly is again in talks to acquire Time Inc., this time with financial backing from the billionaire Koch brothers.


acquisition[,ækwi'ziʃən] n.取得,學到,養成(習慣);獲得的東西

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

digest[di'dʒest] vt.消化;領會,融會貫通 n.文摘,摘要

assimilate[ə'simileit] vt.吸收,消化;使同化 vi.被吸收;被同化

The hope is that the students will assimilate into the culture, skills and relationships the game offers to enrich their lives.


subtract[səb'trækt] v. (from)減(去),扣掉

minus['mainəs]adj.負的 減的 prep.減(去) n.減號 負數 缺點

multiply['mʌltiplai]vt.使增加 乘 vi.擴大 繁衍 做乘法 adv.多樣地 多重地

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

From there, the bacteria multiply and spread throughout the body, causing severe illness, and, if left untreated, death.


Taller trucks, trailers and combines - many of which are significantly wider than in the past - multiply the likelihood that accidents might happen.

卡車,拖車和聯合收割機等現在更高 - 其中許多比過去寬得多 - 這增加事故發生的可能性。

multiple['mʌltipl]adj.複合的 並聯的 許多 多種多樣的

Yet applying green construction to multiple buildings at once may be an even better idea.


multitude['mʌlti,tju:d, -,tu:d] n.眾多,大量

While there may be a multitude of websites that offer free sample forms, it is best not to rely on them.


triple['tripl] n.三倍數 a.三倍的;三部分構成的v.使成三倍

calculate['kælkjuleit]vt.計算 估計 考慮 推測 計劃 vi.計算 預測 依賴

calculation[.kælkju'leiʃən]n.計算 計算結果

calculator['kælkju.leitə]n.計算器 計算者

count[kaunt]vt.計算 視為 依賴 vi.數 計數n.計數

"All you got from him is your looks and your size. You've got your mother's heart, and that's what counts."


On all counts, the auto industry is struggling to catch up.


On all counts在各方面; 完全

I’m counting on each of you to do your utmost to combat violence against women with determination and efficiency.


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counter['kauntə] n.櫃檯 計數器 計算者 [計算機] 計數器 adj.相反的

adv.與…相反地 vt.反對 反擊vi.反對 反擊

infinite['infinit]adj.無限的 無窮的 無數的 n.無限

finite['fainait] a.有限的;[數]有窮的,限定的

考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

rectangle['rek,tæŋɡl] n.[數]矩形, 長方形"

triangle['traiæŋɡl] n.三角(形)

index['indeks]n.索引 指數 指標 指針vt.編入 索引中指出vi.編索引

odd[ɔd]adj.奇數的 單隻的 古怪的 剩餘的

odds[ɔdz] n.不平等,差異;機會

On the other, he offered frank recognition that the odds were often stacked against young people with immigrant backgrounds in the country’s suburban areas.


考研英語考綱重點詞彙 assimilate multitude eccentric 等

This put her at odds with her son, who accused her of driving up rents for working families.


bizarre[bi'zɑ:] adj.異乎尋常的,稀奇古怪的

eccentric[ik'sentrik] a.古怪的,怪癖的,異乎尋常的n.古怪的人

A talented pattern maker, she transforms eccentric geometric shapes and super-realistic pictures — of people, pizza and paintings, among other things — into information-age hieroglyphs.


queer[kwiə] a.奇怪的,古怪的

sketch[sketʃ] n.素描;略圖,草圖;梗概 v.繪略圖,速寫,寫生

analogy[ə'nælədʒi] n.類似,相似,類比,類推

And the most attractive chapter, on the chemistry of light, draws a beautiful analogy between sound waves and musical notes, and electromagnetic wavelengths and colour.


Historical analogies are always imperfect, but for all intents and purposes, Manuelito was the Navajo equivalent of a Founding Father.


analogue['ænəlɔɡ] n.類似物;相似體;模擬

duplicate['dju:plikət] n.複製品 v.複寫,使加倍 a.複製的,二重的

The paper records are distributed, probably even duplicated in many respects, across dozens of different storage centers throughout the country.


decimal['desiməl] "a.十進的,小數的,十進制的 n.小數

geometry[dʒi'ɔmitri]n.幾何 幾何學

arithmetic[ə'riθmətik]n.算術 四則運算

symmetry['simitri] n.對稱(性);勻稱,整齊

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