
北京時間8月14日,廣州恆大以4000萬歐元(2億人民幣)的轉會費,賣掉了中超第一巨星保利尼奧,這樁大交易,引來了西班牙媒體的讚歎。(Paulinho sale the best ever piece of business by a Chinese club)


值得一提的是,西班牙體育大報《馬卡報》對此讚歎不已,該報表示:“保利尼奧的交易,是史上中國俱樂部的最高價出售,也是第一次有歐洲頂尖豪門從中國球隊買人,從此,世界足壇會以和從前完全不同的眼光,看待中國足球。”(More often than not, the Chinese league has been where players passed their prime have gone to pick up large pay-packets but Paulinho now returns to Europe as Barcelona bid to strengthen their midfield in search of top honours.


不單如此,恆大隊長鄭智對此表示:“這不僅是廣州恆大的榮譽,也是所有中超俱樂部的榮譽。”《馬卡報》也對此進行了轉載援引和著重的強調。("It is an honour not only for Guangzhou Evergrande but also for all the clubs in the Chinese Super League," said captain Zheng Zhi and it is a view echoed by coaches Luiz Felipe Scolari and Andre Villas-Boas, who both ply their trade in the country, on social media.


總而言之,《馬卡報》還指出,在過去,人們的印象是中超聯賽不過就是過氣的球星們前去撈錢的地方,從來沒指望過有人能從中超脫穎而出加盟歐洲豪門,甚至還是巴塞羅那這種首屈一指的球隊。《馬卡報》總結說:“對於中國足球來說,這是一個里程碑,中超第一次成為一名球員加盟歐洲頂尖俱樂部的跳板。國際足壇將從這一刻起,以與過去完全不同的眼光來看待中國足球的發展。”(The sale of Paulinho though stands out and while Guangzhou are sure to miss him particularly with the injury for Henan Jianye, they have ensured a noticeable financial boost which means that China will now be looked at differently from now on internationally.

