11 個長難句高頻常考句型彙總 | 考研英語

中國研究生入學考試 英語 華哲考研學校 2019-05-18
11 個長難句高頻常考句型彙總 | 考研英語



狀語從句,屬於副詞性從句,簡單說就是從句在句子中擔任狀語,分為時間、 目的、地點、條件、方式、讓步、比較、結果、原因 9 種狀語從句。

時 間 引 導 詞 :when , after , before , while , until , till , since , as soon as ,everytime , the moment 等

地點引導詞:where , wherever 等

原因引導詞:because , since=now that , as 等

條件引導詞:if , whether , unless , as long as ,on condition that , providing that等

結果引導詞:so / such ... that , so 等

目的引導詞:in order that , so that 等

讓步引導詞:though , although , however , whatever=no matter what even if ,even though , as (倒裝) 等

方式引導詞:as , as if 等

比較引導詞:than , as ... as , the more ... , the more ... 等

11 個長難句高頻常考句型彙總 | 考研英語


例句 1:While formal learning is transmitted by teachers selected to perform this role , informal learning is acquired as a natural part of a child's development .

【重點詞彙解析】transmit,vt. 傳輸、傳播 vi. 傳輸、發射信號;(in)formal,adj. (非)正式的

【參考翻譯】儘管正式的學習過程是由挑選出來擔當此角色的教師來進行的, 非正式的學習過程卻是作為孩子成長的自然一部分而完成的。

例 句 2:While it is true that this competition may induce efforts to expandterritory at the expense of others , and thus lead to conflict , it cannot be said that war-like conflict among other nations is inevitable , although competition is .

【重點詞彙解析】territory,n. 領土、版圖;expense,n. 代價、損失 vt. 向…… 收取費用;inevitable,adj. 不可避免的

【參考翻譯】雖然這種競爭會引發以他人利益為代價的領土擴張行動,因此 也會引發衝突,但卻不能認為類似於戰爭的國家間的衝突不可避免,儘管競爭是 不可避免的。

例 句 3: While it is true that to date the Internet seems to be favoring the most developed sectors of the international community over the less developed , this need not always be the case .

【重點詞彙解析】favor,vt. 喜歡、贊成 n. 喜愛

【參考翻譯】儘管迄今為止互聯網似乎更加青睞國際社會中的發達領域,而 非不太發達的領域,情形並不總是如此。

11 個長難句高頻常考句型彙總 | 考研英語



在複合句中作定語,修飾主句中某一名詞或代詞的從句。結構:先行詞+關係詞(分為關係副詞和關係代詞)+從句關係代詞(that , who , which , whose , as)關係副詞(when , where , why , how)定語從句分為限制性定語從句及非限制定語從句,限定從直接放在先行詞後, 非限定從與先行詞之間要加逗號。


例句 1:The Aswan Dam , for example , stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods left-all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity .

【重點詞彙解析】deprive sb. of sth. 剝奪某人某物;silt,n. 淤泥 v. (使)淤塞

【參考翻譯】例如,阿斯旺大壩阻止了尼羅河的洪水侵襲,但是也奪去了埃及的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥---這一切換來的卻是一個巨大的病態的水庫,這個水庫 積滿了淤泥,以至於幾乎不能發電了。

11 個長難句高頻常考句型彙總 | 考研英語

例句 2:The second , by Joshua Greenberge , takes a more empirical approach touniversality , identifying traits (particularly in word order) shared by many languages , which are considered to represent biases that result from cognitive constraints . (2012,49)

【重點詞彙解析】empirical,adj. 經驗主義的;result from 由……造成;cognitive,adj. 認知的

【參考翻譯】第二個為此做出努力的人是約書亞·格林伯格,他採用經驗主 義的方法來研究普遍性,確認多種語言(尤其是語序方面的)共同特徵,這些特徵 被認為是體現了由於認知侷限性而帶來的偏見。

例 句 3:His function is analogous to that of a judge , who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision . (2006,47)

【重點詞彙解析】analogous,adj. 類似的;reveal,vt. 揭露;reason,n. 理由 v. 推 論

【參考翻譯】他的職責類似於法官的職責,後者必須承擔起這樣的責任:用 儘可能明顯的方式來揭示讓他做出決定的推理過程。

11 個長難句高頻常考句型彙總 | 考研英語

