
英語 不完美媽媽 MYNAME 收藏 S.H.E 小學生學習 2019-07-30







一、詢問人名、年齡:name、How old

1.——What's your name?


——My name is Huang Bangxin.


2. ——What's his name?


——His name is Mike.


3. ——What's her name?


——Her name is Chen Jie.


4. ——How old are you?


——I'm 12.


5. ——How old is he/she?


——He/She is 23.


二、詢問顏色: colour

1. ——What colour is it?


——it's yellow and white.


2. ——What colour are they?


——They re green.



1. ——What time is it now?


——it's nine o'clock. It's time for English class.


一一It's eight o'clock. It's time to go to bed.


四、詢問方位或地方: Where

1. ——where is my toy car?


——It's here, under the chair.


2. ——Where is the canteen?


——It's on the first floor.


3. ——Where are the keys?


——They're in the door.


4. ——Excuse me. Where is the Iibrary, please?


——It's near the post office.


5. ——Where are you from?


——I 'm from China.


6. ——Where does the rain come from?


——It comes from the clouds.


五、詢問數量或價錢: How many、How much

1. ——How many kites can you see?


——I can see 12.


2. ——How many crayons do you have?


——I have 16.


3. ——How many people are there in your family?




4. ——How much is this dress?


——It's ninety-nine yuan.


5. ——How much are these apples?


——They're thirty-five yuan.


六、“How”問句:How tall、How heavy、How long

1. ——How tall are you?


——I'm 160 cm tall. I' m taller than you.


2. ——How heavy are you?


——I'm 48 kg. You're heavier than me.


3. ——How do you go to school?


一一Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike.


4.——How can I get to Zhongshan Park?


——You can go by the No.15 bus.


——Go straight for five minutes, Then turn left, It's on the left.


5. ——How long?



1.——How do you feel?


——I feel sick.


——How does Chen Jie feel?


——She's tired.


2. ——What's the matter?


——My throat is sore. /I have a sore throat.


3. ——How are you, Sarah? You look so happy.


——I failed the math test.


八、詢問想吃的東西:would like

1. ——What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?


——I'd like some bread and milk/rice and soup.


2. ——What's for breakfast lunch/dinner?


——Hamburgers and orange juice.



1. ——what's the weather like in Beijing?


——It's rainy today. How about New York?


——It's sunny and hot.



1. ——What's your father/mother?


——He's a doctor. / She's a teacher.


2. ——What does your mother/ father do?


——She's a TV reporter./He's a teacher,He teaches English.


3. ——Who's that man/woman?


——He's my father. /She's my mother.


4.——Who's this boy /girl?


——He's my brother. /She's my sister.


5. ——Who's your art teacher?


——Miss Wang.


——What's she like?


——She's young and thin.



——What's your favourite food / drink?


——Fish/orange juice.


2. ——What's your favourite season?




——Which season do you like best?




——Why do you like winter?


——Because I can make a snowman.


3. ——What's your hobby?


——I like collecting stamps.


——What's his hobby?


——He likes riding a bike.


4. ——Do you like peaches?


一一Yes,I do./No,I don't.



1. ——What do you do on Saturdays / on the weekends?

——你星期六 / 周未一般做什麼?

——I usually do my homework. Sometimes play football.



1. ——What are you doing?


——I'm doing the dishes.


2. ——What's your father doing?


——He's writing an e-mail.


3.——What's the tiger doing?


——It's running.


4. ——What are the elephants doing?


——They're drinking.


十四、詢問將要做的事情:What/ Where/When+going

1. ——What are you going to do?


——I'm going to the cinema.


——When are you going to do?


——This afternoon.


2. ——Where are you going this afternoon?


——I'm going to the bookstore.


——What are you going to buy?


——I'm going to buy a comic book.



1.——Where did you go last weekend/yesterday/on your holiday?


——I went to Wuhan.


2. ——How did you go there?


——I went by train.


3. ——What did you do there?


——I went shopping.



1. ——Is this your bedroom?


——Yes, it is.


2. ——Is your sister in the living room?


——No, she isn't. /Yes, she is.


3.——Is this your skirt?


——Yes. it is. / No, it isn't.


4. ——Is your English teacher young?


——Yes. she is. / No, she isn't.


5. ——Are these/those/they cucumbers?


——Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.


6.——Is there a river in the park?


——Yes, there is. / No, there isn' t.


7.——Are there any bridges in your village?


——Yes, there are. /No, there aren' t.


8. ——Can I wear my new shirt today?


——Yes, you can./ No, you can't.


9. ——Can you wash your clothes?


——Yes, I can. / No, I can't.


10. ——Does your pen pal live in Shanghai?


——No, he doesn't. He lives in Beijing.


11. ——Does she teach English?


——No, she doesn't. She teaches math.


12. ——Did you read books yesterday?


——Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.



1.——What's in the classroom?


——A board, six lights, three fans, many desks and chairs.


2. ——What about you? / How about you?


3.——I like the white sweater with the green skirt.


4. ——Whose is it?


——It's mine/yours/his/ hers.


5. ——What can you do?


——I'm helpful. I can sweep the floor and do the dishes.


6. ——What's your bedroom like?


——There is a big closet and a new mirror.There are blue curtains.



