
英語 張老師英語課堂 2019-07-20



It is/ was +被強調部分+that/ who +其他部分


1. 強調主語

被強調的主語是人時,可用it is/was ... that/ who ...,但如果被強調的部分既包括人又包括物,只能用that。

It is Wei Fang who has broken the record. 是魏方打破了紀錄。

2. 強調賓語

It was me that she helped yesterday. 昨天她幫助的人是我。

3. 強調賓語補足語

It was chairman of the meeting that we elected him. 我們選他是做會議的主席。

4. 強調狀語

英語中的狀語種類很多,一般都可以用it is / was ... that ...來強調。

It was at the age of 5 that he left his hometown for Taiwan.


A. It is/ was ... that ... 結構不能強調謂語,如果需要強調謂語時,用助動詞do/ does或did

Do sit down. 務必請坐。

Do be careful when you cross the street. 過馬路時,務必(千萬)要小心啊!

B. 注意:

此種強調只用do/ does和did,沒有別的形式;過去時用did,後面的謂語動詞用原形。



It is/ was + 被強調部分+ that/ who(當強調主語且主語指人)+ 其他部分。

例 It was yesterday that he met Li Ping.


同上,只是把is/ was提到it前面。

例子 Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping?


被強調部分(通常是疑問代詞或疑問副詞)+ is/ was + it + that/ who + 其他部分?

例子 When and where was it that you were born?

4.not … until …句型的強調句

A. 句型為:It is/ was not until + 被強調部分 + that + 其他部分

普通句:He ddid't go to bed until/ till his wife came back.

強調句:It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed.

B. 注意:

此句型只用until,不用till。但如果不是強調句型,till, until可通用;因為句型中It is/ was not ... 已經是否定句了,that後面的從句要用肯定句,切勿再用否定句了。


1. 去掉強調結構It is (was) …that(who)…後,剩下的詞仍能組成一個完整的句子。這是判斷是不是強調句型的關鍵。試比較:

1). It is strange that he didn’t come yesterday.

2). It is you and Tom that didn’t come yesterday.

顯然,句1去掉It is…that…後,句子結構不完整,是主語從句;句2去掉It is… that …後,句子變為you and Tom didn’t comeyesterday. 仍是一個表意完整的句子,這是一個強調句。

2. 如果強調時間、地點、原因或方式狀語時,不可用when,where,why或how,而仍用that。

試比較:It was because of the accident why he was late.(誤),

It was because of the accident that he was late.(正)。

3. 在強調句型中,that或who後面的謂語動詞的形式仍然取決於原句中的主語;


就用It is…, 表達過去時的各種形式時,用It was….一般要與謂語動詞的時態一致。

1). It is I who/ that am an English teacher.

2). It is the boy who/ that speaks English best in the class.

3). It was on Sunday that he gave George this ticket.

4). It is the little girl who/that has broken the glass.




It is/ was +被強調部分+that/ who +其他部分


1. 強調主語

被強調的主語是人時,可用it is/was ... that/ who ...,但如果被強調的部分既包括人又包括物,只能用that。

It is Wei Fang who has broken the record. 是魏方打破了紀錄。

2. 強調賓語

It was me that she helped yesterday. 昨天她幫助的人是我。

3. 強調賓語補足語

It was chairman of the meeting that we elected him. 我們選他是做會議的主席。

4. 強調狀語

英語中的狀語種類很多,一般都可以用it is / was ... that ...來強調。

It was at the age of 5 that he left his hometown for Taiwan.


A. It is/ was ... that ... 結構不能強調謂語,如果需要強調謂語時,用助動詞do/ does或did

Do sit down. 務必請坐。

Do be careful when you cross the street. 過馬路時,務必(千萬)要小心啊!

B. 注意:

此種強調只用do/ does和did,沒有別的形式;過去時用did,後面的謂語動詞用原形。



It is/ was + 被強調部分+ that/ who(當強調主語且主語指人)+ 其他部分。

例 It was yesterday that he met Li Ping.


同上,只是把is/ was提到it前面。

例子 Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping?


被強調部分(通常是疑問代詞或疑問副詞)+ is/ was + it + that/ who + 其他部分?

例子 When and where was it that you were born?

4.not … until …句型的強調句

A. 句型為:It is/ was not until + 被強調部分 + that + 其他部分

普通句:He ddid't go to bed until/ till his wife came back.

強調句:It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed.

B. 注意:

此句型只用until,不用till。但如果不是強調句型,till, until可通用;因為句型中It is/ was not ... 已經是否定句了,that後面的從句要用肯定句,切勿再用否定句了。


1. 去掉強調結構It is (was) …that(who)…後,剩下的詞仍能組成一個完整的句子。這是判斷是不是強調句型的關鍵。試比較:

1). It is strange that he didn’t come yesterday.

2). It is you and Tom that didn’t come yesterday.

顯然,句1去掉It is…that…後,句子結構不完整,是主語從句;句2去掉It is… that …後,句子變為you and Tom didn’t comeyesterday. 仍是一個表意完整的句子,這是一個強調句。

2. 如果強調時間、地點、原因或方式狀語時,不可用when,where,why或how,而仍用that。

試比較:It was because of the accident why he was late.(誤),

It was because of the accident that he was late.(正)。

3. 在強調句型中,that或who後面的謂語動詞的形式仍然取決於原句中的主語;


就用It is…, 表達過去時的各種形式時,用It was….一般要與謂語動詞的時態一致。

1). It is I who/ that am an English teacher.

2). It is the boy who/ that speaks English best in the class.

3). It was on Sunday that he gave George this ticket.

4). It is the little girl who/that has broken the glass.


