
英語 Panda每日分享 2019-09-02


1)what's the matter? you look sad. 你怎麼了?看著這麼傷心。

2)what's wrong/is anything wrong? 出什麼事了?

3)is something bothering you? 遇到什麼麻煩了嗎?

4)are you okay/are you all right? 你沒事吧?

5)what's going on? 到底怎麼回事?

6)is something on your mind? 有什麼煩心事嗎?

7)what are you worried about? 你擔心什麼?

8)you look serious. 你怎麼那麼嚴肅。

9)you look grave. 你今天看上去很悲傷。

10)you look sad today. 你今天怎麼滿臉的不高興。

11)you don't look very happy today. 你今天看著好像不太高興啊。

12)why are you so glum? 你怎麼悶悶不樂的呀?

13)why the long face? 你怎麼拉著臉啊?

14)you look exhausted/tired/worn-out. 你看著很疲憊的樣子。

15)you need a break. 你需要喘口氣。

16)something is wrong with you today. 你今天有點兒不大對勁。

17)you're not yourself today. 你今天有點兒不大對勁。

18)you seem different today. 你今天有點兒不大對勁。


