
英語 龔老師初中課堂 2019-04-16


一. 單詞詞組:9A-9B重點單詞詞組

二. 語法點:時態語態,主從句,情態動詞,特殊句型(反義疑問句/祈使句/感嘆句/倒裝句),詞類(數詞/介詞/形容詞副詞/冠詞/動詞詞組),情景交際。。。




1.eat---ate---eaten ---eat up 吃光

Set up 建立 use up 用光 grow up 長大

put up舉手,張貼,搭建 pick up撿起、接 turn up 調高,出現

make up 編造

2. create(v.)-creative(adj.),energy(n.)—energetic(adj.),organize(v.)—organized(adj.),

patient(adj.)—impatient(反義詞)—impatience(n.) 注意詞性變化

be (im)patient with sb 對某人耐心的

3. keep sth in good order 使…盡然有序

4. show off 炫耀 turn off 關閉(電源) put off 推遲

Take off 脫掉;起飛 get off 下車

5. think of=come up with 想出

What do you think of…? = How do you like…? 你認為…怎麼樣?

6. be curious about…. 對…感到好奇

7. neither…nor 兩者都不---就近原則

either…or 或者..或者---就近原則

not only…but also 不僅…而且…--就近原則

both…and 兩者都---做主語,謂語動詞看作複數形式

all 三者或以上都 none 三者或以上都不

either 兩者中任意一個

8. a born artist 一個天生的藝術家

9. impress sb with sth 用…給某人留下印象

10.win high praise(n.) from… 贏得來自…的讚揚

Praise(v.) sb for sth 因為…而稱讚某人

Praise(v.) sb as sth 稱讚某人為…

Be praised as… 某人被稱讚為…

11.life is like a race, you either take the lead of fall behind 逆水行舟不進則退


患難見真情 A friend in need is a friend indeed

行動勝過語言 Actions speak louder than words

蠟燭兩頭燒,過度勞累 Burn the candle at both ends

人人皆有得意時 every dog has its day

禍不單行 It never rains but it pours

人多活輕 Many hands make light work

熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect

孤注一擲 pull all your eggs in one basket

12. a miss is as good as a mile 失之毫釐,繆以千里

as good as 和…一樣

as well as 和,與(連接主語,謂語就遠原則);和…一樣好

13. pay attention to doing sth 注意/關注做某事

被動: Attention be paid to doing sth

注意:what do you pay attention to to keep healthy?

Pay no attention to… 不要理會…

14. work to high standards 工作高標準

15. can’t be too careful 再仔細也不為過

擴充:A boy can’t have too many toys.

You can’t praise the film too much.



17.devote time/oneself/one’s life to doing sth 奉獻時間/一生做某事

18. be suitable for being an artist 動詞不要漏

19. that’s not the case 事實並非如此

20. be afraid of making a speech

be afraid of doing sth


21. be absent from school 缺課

22. recommend sb as/to be 推薦某人做…


Remind, repair, require, relax…

23. general manager 總經理

In general 大體上

24. connect …to/with 和…相連接

A railway connecting A to B(定語,主動ing)

25. think twice about (doing)sth 三思而後行

26.do the dishes 洗碗

27. appear(v.) in a fixed order 以固定的順序出現


28. divide …into…----be divided into 劃分


29. agree(v.) with sb 同意某人的觀點/看法

Be in agreement(n.) that+從句 同意。。。


1. sth look good on sb--- sb look good in sth

2. influence(v.) our moods 影響我們的心情

have a great influence(n.) on sth 對。。。有影響

3.sleep(v./n.)—sleepy(adj.)---asleep(adj.) 區分用法和意思

Sleep for one hour

Feel sleepy (反義詞)awake stay/keep awake

Fall asleep——(延續性動詞)be asleep

4. sad(adj.)—sadly(adv.)—sadness(n.)


5. prefer doing sth to doing sth

=would rather do sth than do sth 不加名詞

prefer sth to sth 可以加名詞

prefer to do sth

注意:prefer to do sth to do sth (過去式)preferred

e.g He preferred to exercise more to keep healthy.

6. cheer you up 使你振作開心

7. remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事

remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事

8. strong(adj.)---strength(n.)

9. have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth

注意點:The teacher wondered what difficulty we had (in) learning English well.

10. decide(v.)---decision(n.)

make a decision to do sth

decide to do sth

11. 賓語從句

連接詞:肯動動詞後(know, think, believe, be sure等)用連接詞that

在疑問代詞後(wonder, doubt, can you tell me…?, be not sure, not know)後面用if,Whether或者特殊疑問詞



I wonder where he is from/what he likes

What’s wrong/the matter? 本身就是陳述句語序,不需要再改語序


e.g I know Jim watched TV last night


e.g Tom told me Lucy was swimming then.

Tom told me if he had time, he would go there


I have been told that……

He is often told…..

It is said that…. 看準關鍵詞


12. promise sb (not) to do sth 答應做某事


feel a little/a bit/a little bit stressed

14. advice(n.)—advise(v.), suggest(v.)—suggestion(s)(n.)

advise sb to do sth

suggest doing sth---suggest sth to sb


1. stomach(n.) ---stomachs

2. be on開著(狀態) turn on打開

3. of one’s age 和某人一樣大,同齡的

4. manage your time better 更好的管理時間

5. how to deal with = what to do with….

6. have no choice but to do sth


7. stay up late熬夜 stay out late呆在外面很晚

8. be (well) worth doing sth 沒有被動語態

Be worth sth.

e.g my advice is worth taking 我的建議值得采納

9. allow sb to do sth 允許某人做某事

10. be strict with sb in sth 對某人某方面嚴格

11. achieve a balance between…and… 取得。。。和。。。的平衡

12. value(n.)---valuable(adj.)

be of great value=be very valuable

be of some help=be very helpful

13. make a list of… 列一個清單…


keep silent---break the silence 打破沉默

15. 提建議句型:why not/why don’t you do sth?

How/what about doing sth?

Would you like to do sth?

Shall we do sth?

had better so/not do sth….

17. be proud(adj.) of… 以…為驕傲

be proud to do sth

(n.) pride

18. go over 複習 turn over 反過來

19. as…as possible=as …as sb can

I will get up as early as possible. =I will get up as early as I can

20. pronounce(v.)---pronunciation(n.)

Pronounce the word correctly

21. keep worries/secrets to oneself 把擔憂/祕密放在某人心裡

Share worries/secrets with sb 和某人分享擔憂/祕密

22. work out 算出,解出 turn out 結果是,證明是 run out 用完

Hand out 分發 break out 爆發 come out 出版,出來

Look out 當心 put out 撲滅

23. Don’t mention it. 不客氣

24. make (little/great/no/some…) progress in… 在某方面取得進步

25.reply(v./n.) to sb 回覆某人

26.the cause of… 。。。的原因

The reason for…


1. on one’s mind 在某人的心上

2. courage(n.)---encourage(v.)

encourage sb to do sth

3. try out for… 參與…的選拔

4. refuse to do sth 拒絕做某事

Force sb to do sth 強迫某人做某事

5. lose heart 失去信心

6. get sb to do sth 使某人做某事

Make/let/have sb do sth

7. succeed(v.) in doing sth =do sth successfully(adv)

注意過去時拼寫succeeded 注意詞性轉換

be a big success(n.)=be very successful(adj.)

8. take notice of sb 注意到某人

9. when to do sth 什麼時候做某事

When/while doing sth 當做某事的時候


10. since 既然,由於 wherever無論哪裡

whenever無論何時 whoever無論誰

as soon as 一…就…(主將從現,主過從過)

11. go into hiding 躲藏

12. die(v.) of 死於內因 die from死於外因

Dead(adj.) find sb dead dying(adj.) a dying man

Death(n.) the death of…

13. have sb do sth 讓某人做某事 have sth done 請某人做某事

Have sth to do 有某事要做

14.in fear of one’s life 擔心某人的生命

15.in one’s fifties/forties/nineties 在某人五十幾、四十幾歲

16. to sb’s surprise/sadness/joy 令某人驚訝/傷心/快樂的是

17.usual(adj.) unusual(反義詞)

an unusual report

18.a sense of achievement/humour/direction 成就感/幽默感/方向感

19.remain +adj. 保持。。。

Remain calm/silent…

20.matter 要緊,有重大關係

e.g What matters most is not the result, but the progress.

21.against 對抗;違反

against the law/wall

22. Germans (n.)德國人 Germany(n.) 德國


1. something pleasant

I am pleased with this trip.

This trip is pleasant/unpleasant

2. music(n.)—musical(n./adj.)—musician(n.)

musical talent ----musical instruments

one of the greatest musicians. 最偉大的音樂家之一

3. present sb with sth---present sth to sb 授予某人某物,給某人頒發某物

provide sb with sth---provide sth for sb 給某人提供某物

4. win—winner(s)—won—won

5. show an interest in=be interested in... 對。。。感興趣

6. the sounds of rushing water and blowing wind

7. make music with common objects 用普通的東西製作音樂

8. go on to do sth 繼續做不同的事情

go on doing sth 繼續做同一件事情

9. get to know great musicians 開始認識…

get sb to do sth 使某人做某事

10. be known/famous for… 因…而出名

be known/famous as… 作為…而出名

11. win an Oscar for best actress for her role 贏得奧斯卡最佳女演員獎

12.by controlling the speed of water flow 通過控制水流聲

by doing sth 通過做某事

through the internet通過網絡

13.build a bridge between the East and the West 在東西方建一座橋樑

14.bring Chinese and Western music together 把中西方音樂結合在一起

15. tradition(n.)---traditional(adj.)

traditional Chinese music 傳統中國音樂

16. in a western style 用西方的風格

17. dream without boundaries 夢想無邊

18. divide—dividing ---dividing line 劃分線

19. because與so,though與but不同時使用

20.think/speak highly of… 高度評價


21. be open to… 對…開放

22. in twenty minutes---in+段時間 用將來時

23. run towards sb 朝某人跑去

24. breath(n.)---breathe(v.)---breathe heavily

out of breath, take a deep breath

25. hurry into… 匆忙進入…

hurry to do sth=be in a hurry to do sth

26. last for… 持續…(延續性動詞)

One and a half hours=one hour and a half

last---lasting---have a lasting value

27.make up music while playing 創作

28. has strong local color 有強烈的地方特色

29. praise sb for sth 因為某事表揚某人

30.have a (real) gift for… 有…的天賦

31. drop---dropping---dropped


32. run in all directions 向四面八方跑

33. encourage sb (not) to do sth 鼓勵某人做某事

34. enjoy oneself in the world of… 沉醉於…的世界裡

35. instrument (n.)樂器 introduction(n.) 介紹 instruction(n.) 說明

36. centre (n.) 中心 central(adj.) 中心的


1. get bored with doing sth 厭煩做某事

2. a dog’s work is never done 一隻狗的工作永遠做不完

3. types of TV programmes 電視節目的類型

4. real-life events 真實生活的事件

5. there is sb doing sth 有某人在做某事

6. a weekly round-up 每週的新聞摘要

7. a lastest magazine 注意冠詞和拼寫

an up-to-date magazine

8. cover different sports 報道

Cover 報道、覆蓋 、封面

Be covered live 電視直播

分辨:live, alive, lively, living

e.g My grandfather is still alive活著的


9. the number of…is…

a number of+可數名詞…are…

a great deal of+不可數名詞…is…

10. interview sb (動詞) 採訪某人

have an interview(n.) with sb

there are a number of interviews with sb

11.come-coming, include-including (逗號隔開)

13. Asia—Asian(亞洲的)---Asian(s)亞洲人

Africa---African Russia---Russian Europe---European

China---Chinese Japan---Japanese

14.vote online for… 在網上為…投票

Vote against… 投票反對。。。

15.send text messages to… 發送短信息到..

16.win two free concert tickets單複數

17. a horror film directed by…定語(被動)

a boy playing football定語(主動)

18. direct(v.)—director(s)(n.)

20.until直到,not until 直到…才(區分句意)

21. scare—scared, get scared easily

22. take a close look at… 近距離的觀察

23. see scenes from India風景(一般用複數)

24. win an award for its amazing photography 因為驚人的攝影技術而贏得獎項

25. if如果(主將從現)分清主句和從句

If your homework is finished, you can leave



26. unless(if…not…) 除非---主將從現規則

27. have a chance to do sth 有機會做某事

29. TV viewing habits 看電視的習慣

30. be a waste of time 浪費時間

It is a waste of time to do sth

31. receive a message from…. 收到來自。。。的信息

32. be pushed into… 被推進

33. three men in police uniforms 三名穿著警服的人


1.in your dreams 你做夢

2.so…that---such that

so+形容詞/副詞 so kind/carefully


such a good boy---such good weather


so many/few boys, so much/little milk

注意:such little babies(注意little的意思)

3. do sth instead---do sth instead of doing sth 代替做。。。

4. be suitable for entering the film industry 適合進入電影行業

be suitable for doing sth/to do sth

enter=come into, enter不能加into

5. the film industry 電影業

agriculture and industry 農業和工業(不可數)

different industries 不同的產業(可數)

6. all-time greatest actresses 空前最好的演員


7. lose(v.)—lost(adj.)—loss(n.)

the loss of …失去…

8. beauty(n.)—beautiful(adj.)---beautifully(adv.)

sb’s beauty=the beauty of sb

9. dream of doing sth 夢想做某事

10.work as a model 從事…工作

11. while/before/after doing sth

While sb+現在進行時或過去進行時

12. catch one’s attention 吸引某人注意力

13. insist that+句子./insist on sth/doing sth 堅持做某事

14. play the (lead) role of… 扮演…的(主)角

play some major roles 扮演一些主要的角色

15. be based on 以…為基礎

This film is based on a novel

I like the film based on this novel(定語)

16. mark the beginning of her successful career 標誌她成功事業的開端

17. choose sb to do..---be chosen to do sth 選擇某人做某事

18. four more=another four又四個

19. make one’s final appearance

20. go beyond the film industry 超越電影業

People over/under 18 超過…年齡

above/below 0°c 超過…溫度

beyond my ability/duty/12 o’clock/midnight

21. in 1950, in the 1950s區分兩個短語

22. so that+句子(以便,表目的)

=to/in order to do sth

23. work closely with… 和…密切合作

Live close to… 住的近

24. because of her efforts in this area 因為他在這領域的努力

25. discover發現以前未被發現的事物 find找到…或者偶然發現…

find out 查明、弄清楚

26. have cancer 得了癌症

27.pass away (die)peacefully 安寧去世

Peace (n.)---peaceful(adj.)---peacefully(adv.)

28. attract(v.)-attractive(adj.), attract sb

look attractive, attractive quality

29. though/although 不能和but同時使用

because 和so不能同時使用

30. avoid the rush hour 避免交通高峰期

Avoid doing sth

31. only have a T-shirt on 只穿一件體桖

32. read through sth 通讀、仔細閱讀

33. mistake—mistook—mistaken

mistake sb for… 誤認為某人是…

34. attend a course/meeting/wedding 參加課程/會議/婚禮

35. be suitable for all ages 適合所有的年齡/老少皆宜

36. fall in love with sb 愛上某人

37.bring dinosaurs alive on screen 把恐龍活生生帶到屏幕上

38. there is a special offer 特價

39. be cancelled(注意雙寫) 被取消

40. so+動詞+主語 某某人也一樣

neither動詞+主語 某某人也不是

so+ 主語+動詞 是的,的確是的

Jim is a student, so am I 我也是

Jim likes music, so does Tom Tom也是

Jim won’t play football, neither will I

Jim didn’t sleep last night, neither did Lily


---Jim is a good student,--- so he is的確是的

---It is fine today ---so it is 的確是的

