口語:There's no doing sth.英語什麼意思

英語 高中英語 英語老師覃冠平 2019-07-13

基礎口語:there is no doing sth.英語什麼意思?

我們學習英語,訓練的不是你用中文“懂得”英語意思的能力,恰恰相反,我們始終訓練的,是你見到英語There is no talking back to your mother時,你能用英語懂得該句英語什麼意思的能力。


口語:There's no doing sth.英語什麼意思

1) 見到下面的英語,你能說出哪些學過的英語表達它們?

1. There is no talking back to your mother like that.

2. There is no arguing with Bill.

3. There is no cigarette smoking here.

口語:There's no doing sth.英語什麼意思

2) 讀到上面的英語,你必須說出下面的英語:

1. Well,if you say:There is no doing something, you mean Doing something is not allowed,is not permitted,is banned.


2. So,There is no talking back to your mother like that means Talking back to your mother like that is not allowed.

3. So,There is no arguing with Bill means You are not permitted to argue with Bill.

4. So,There is no cigarette smoking here means No Smoking here.Smoking here is banned.


口語:There's no doing sth.英語什麼意思

3) 下面輪到你用英語說英語了:

1. There is no cheating in all exams.

2. There is no talking aloud while eating in my family.


