杭州做的這個工程 相當於換了近600遍西湖水

西湖 京杭大運河 錢塘江 社會 浪潮新聞 2017-06-08

中國網浪潮資訊 近日,記者從有關部門獲悉,到2017年5月底,杭州三堡引水工程引配水總量突破80億立方米,這相當於將西湖水換了近600遍。

CNCAO NEWS Recently,the reporter learned from relevant departments that total lead water distribution amount of Hangzhou Sanbao Water Diversion Project has broken through more than 8 billion cubic meters by the end of May 2017,which is equivalent to change nearly 600 times West Lake water.


Earlier,Hangzhou Government decided to bring water from Qiantang River to Jing-Hang Grand Canal in order to make water in Jing-Hang Grand Canal clearer.It is known that Sanbao Water Diversion Project started to be constructed in October 2006 and was put into operation at the end of March 2007.It is specially used for water diversion of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.The lead water distribution amount has doubled at least since the completion of Sanbao Water Diversion Project.

杭州做的這個工程 相當於換了近600遍西湖水


According to historical data,the yearly water distribution of the Canal in Hangzhou is about 1 billion cubic meters,and annual appraisal amount of Sanbao Water Diversion Project is 500 million cubic meters.That means Sanbao Water Diversion Project undertakes more than half of the task of Canal water diversion which plays a key role in the water quality improvement of the Canal.


Now,the water quality of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has removed the hat of worse V.According to 2015 Hangzhou Environmental Bulletin,water quality of the Canal and urban rivers has obviously improved.The environmental function target rate of the Canal and urban rivers respectively improve 25%and 28%compared with the same period last year,and the Canal city controlling section typeⅠ-Ⅲwater ratio reaches over 25%.

(中國網記者 魏詩盈綜合報道 陳萍萍/譯)

