我的世界herobrine的故事 聽完令人毛骨悚然

我的世界 英語 Another 遊戲 特玩遊戲網 2017-06-08


我的世界herobrine的故事 聽完令人毛骨悚然


Herobrine是一個由國外Minecraft社區編造出來的一個恐怖故事,根據現有資料,他可能是一個“Creepy-pasta”,在英文 WIKI中是這麼描述的:Herobrine is the subject of a community-made "creepy-pasta" (creepy story).




I had recently spawned a new world in single-player Minecraft. Everything was normal at first as I began chopping down trees and crafting a workbench. I noticed something move amongst the dense fog (I have a very slow computer so I have to play with a tiny render distance). I thought it was a cow, so I pursued it, hoping to grab some hides for armor.

It wasn*t a cow though. Looking back at me was another character with the default skin, but his eyes were empty. I saw no name pop up, and I double-checked to make sure I wasn*t in multiplayer mode. He didn*t stay long, he looked at me and quickly ran into the fog. I perused out of curiousity, but he was gone,

I continued on with the game, not sure what to think. As I expanded to world I saw things that seemed out of place for the random map generator to make; 2x2 tunnels in the rocks, small perfect pyramids made of sand in the ocean, and groves of trees with all their leaves cut off. I would constantly think I saw the other "player" in the deep fog, but I never got a better look at him. I tried increasing my render distance to far whenever I thought I saw him, but to no avail.

I saved the map and went on the forums to see if anyone else had found the pseudo-player. There were none. I created my own topic telling of the man and asking if anyone had a similar experience. The post was deleted within five minutes. I tried again, and the topic was deleted even faster. I received a PM from username *Herobrine* containing one word: *Stop.* When I went to look at Herobrine*s profile, the page 404*d.

I received an email from another forum user. He claimed the mods can read the forum user messages, so we were safer using email. The emailer claimed that he had seen the mystery player too, and had a small *directory* of other users who had seen him as well. Their worlds were littered with obviously man-made features as well, and described their mystery player to have no pupils.

About a month passed until I heard from my informant again. Some of the people who had encountered the mystery man had looked into the name Herobrine and found that name to be frequently used by a swedish gamer. After some further information gathering, it was revealed to be the brother of Notch, the game*s developer. I personally emailed Notch, and asked him if he had a brother. It took him a while, but he emailed me back a very short message.

I did, but he is no longer with us.

— Notch

I haven*t seen the mystery man since our first encounter, and I haven*t noticed any changes to the world other than my own. I was able to press *print screen* when I first saw him. Here*s the only evidence of his existance:



該玩家在信裡面說,有一天他在玩單人遊戲的時候,發現在不遠處的霧裡面有一隻動物,一開始他以為是牛,想去殺了拿點皮革,結果追上去一點才發現那是另一 個玩家!那個玩家使用的是默認皮膚,但沒有眼睛。他以為自己進錯了多人模式,於是雙擊該人,但沒有任何信息出現。於是他想追上他,但他馬上就消失了。









我的世界herobrine的故事 聽完令人毛骨悚然

可以發現Herobrine躲藏在霧中。但是我們可以很明顯的發現Herobrine的亮度有些不對,很明顯Herobrine是PS上去的。而且這張 圖也模糊不清,根本看不清圖中的人到底是不是白眼睛,所以根本無法確定它是Herobrine還是其他的玩家(多人聯機)。


之後,Herobrine再次出現在一個Brocast staff的視頻中,作者和上一個帖子不是同一人。




