
Sleeping too much or not enough maybe damaging health

If you are getting less than six hours or more than ten you could be at risk of metabolic syndrome.



A new study from Seoul National University College of Medicine in South Korea has found that sleeping too much or not enough can put your health at risk. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of conditions that are associated with the development of cardiovascular disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes. The study involved 133,608 Korean men and women aged between 40 and 69 and investigated why the prevalence of the disease is so high.

來自韓國首爾國立大學醫學院的一項新研究發現,睡眠過多或睡眠不足會使您的健康受到威脅。 代謝綜合徵是與心血管疾病,中風和2型糖尿病的發展相關的一系列病症。 該研究涉及133,608名年齡在40至69歲之間的韓國男性和女性,並調查了為什麼這種疾病的患病率如此之高。

The team considered individuals to have the syndrome if they showed at least three of the following symptoms: larger waist circumference, high triglyceride levels, low levels of healthy cholesterol, high blood pressure and high fasting blood sugar. The researchers conducted an extensive investigation into each participant’s health, including their medical history, lifestyle factors, diet and physical activity. Sleep was identified as a common factor in many of those with the syndrome, but the team also spotted a potential gender difference in their results. Men who regularly slept for less than six hours, or women who sleep for more than ten hours, tended to have an increased risk.

如果患者出現以下至少三種症狀,該團隊認為患有該綜合症:腰圍較大,甘油三酯水平較高,健康膽固醇水平較低,血壓較高,空腹血糖較高。 研究人員對每位參與者的健康狀況進行了廣泛的調查,包括他們的病史,生活方式因素,飲食和身體活動。 睡眠被認為是許多綜合徵患者的共同因素,但研究小組也發現其結果存在潛在的性別差異。 經常睡眠不足6小時的男性,或睡眠時間超過10小時的女性,往往風險增加。

The paper has not established the biological mechanisms behind this connection, but it has suggested that people who sleep less than seven hours a day may have elevated levels of hormones that could increase their appetite, perhaps also reducing energy expenditure.


Lead author of the study Claire E Kim said, “This is the largest study examining a dose-response association between sleep duration and metabolic syndrome and its components separately for men and women. We observed a potential gender difference between sleep duration and metabolic syndrome, with an association between metabolic syndrome and long sleep in women and metabolic syndrome and short sleep in men.”


