美國兒童雜誌High Five 5月刊精選:母親節的驚喜

美國 TeX S.H.E 世衛組織 小兔英文教室 2017-04-27



美國兒童雜誌High Five 5月刊精選:母親節的驚喜


5月還沒到來,母親節的氣氛在美國已經非常濃郁。在亞馬遜等等購物網站上,早早在首頁打出了送給母親的各類禮物推薦,街頭的商店、花店也都掛出了母親節的廣告和橫幅,5月的High Five雜誌,第一個故事就是關於母親節主題的。

美國兒童雜誌High Five 5月刊精選:母親節的驚喜

"Good Morning," said Ms. French. "Today we will start working on our Mother's Day presents."

"Isn't Mother's Day still kind of far away?" asked Indi.

"Yes," said Ms. French. "But our presents are going to take some time to grow."

take some time to grow 這裡指需要一些時間才能長大,什麼東西需要grow呢?且看下文

She handed everybody a small plastic zipper bag, a wet paper towel, and a couple of small dry beans.

The kindergartners put their beans on top of the wet paper towel, put the towel inside the bag, and zipped it shut. Then they wrote their names on their bags.

"Our beans need the sun's warmth in order to sprout," said Ms. French as she taped the bags to the windows.

Over the next few days, the kids could see roots growing out of the beans.

原來Ms. French讓每個小朋友種豆子,把它放在窗臺上,每天晒太陽,豆子才能長高長大。

The next week, Ms. French gave each child a small pot and stickers so they could decorate their pots.

When the beans had strong roots and small sprouts, they were ready to plant in the special pots.

When the children finished planting their seedings, they put the pots in front of the windows.


On the Friday before Mother's Day, the twins took their plants home and hid them in their bedroom.

On Mother's Day, Tex and Indi gave them to their mom.

"We grew these sprouts just for you!" said Tex.

"Two perfect sprouts from my two perfect twin sprouts!" said Mom. "I love them. And I love you, too!"




美國兒童雜誌High Five 5月刊精選:母親節的驚喜

Our neighbors are moving away.

Grandma baked cookies.

I carry the basket. We all march over and say, "Good-bye."

The house is empty. The yard is empty.

"Someone will buy the house," Mom says.

"When?" I ask.


"Someone will move in," Dad says.

"When?" I ask.


"We'll have new neighbors," Grandma says.

"When?" I ask.


But the house stays empty. The yard stays empty. Who will move in? And when?


Then—a truck pulls up.

"Someone has bought the house," Mom says.

"Who?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"Someone is moving," Dad says.

"Who?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"We have new neighbors," Grandma says.

"Who?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"Let's find out!" I say.

Grandma baked cookies.

I carry the baskets. We all march over and say, "Hello."




美國兒童雜誌High Five 5月刊精選:母親節的驚喜



String Beads

I send a red bead on a ride—

Poke string through and make it slide.

Adding colors, green and blue,

To make a necklace just for you!


美國兒童雜誌High Five 5月刊精選:母親節的驚喜


  • 畫石頭:去外面撿一些大小各異的石頭,用顏料給他們塗上新的彩色外衣吧。

  • 開鞋店:用積木打起來一個展示臺,把大人和孩子的鞋都擺上去,一起模擬開鞋店、買賣交易的場景吧。


