'英語美文‖大家小傳 01|托爾斯泰:論小說'





英語美文‖大家小傳 01|托爾斯泰:論小說



Leo Tolstoy was a believer in the novel not as a source of entertainment, but as a tool for psychological education and reform.

It was, in his eyes, the supreme medium by which we can get to know others, especially those who might from the outside seem unappealing, and thereby expand our humanity and tolerance.

He was born in 1828 at Yasnaya Polyana, a huge family estate 100 miles south of Moscow. It was to be his home, on and off, for the rest of his life

His parents died when he was young, and he was brought up by relatives. He flopped at university.

One lecturer described him as being ‘unable and unwilling to learn.’

He spent a few years gambling and drinking and chasing gypsy women, before signing on as an artillery officer in the Crimean War.

He got married in his early thirties. His wife Sophia, who came from a sophisticated, high-cultured background, was only 18. They had thirteen children, nine of whom survived infancy.

It was a difficult marriage; there were huge arguments about sex, and bitterness on both sides. Leo grew a very long beard, became a fitness fanatic, and spent most of his time in his study.

What he did there was to write several hugely successful books, among them War and Peace, Anna Karenina and The Death of Ivan Ilych.

d this world.


Leo Tolstoy was a believer in the novel not as a source of entertainment, but as a tool (工具) for psychological education (心理教育)and reform (改革).


a believer in sth. 極其相信某事

believer n. 宗教信仰者;信徒(a person who has a religious belief or strongly believes that something is right or good)

I am a believer in God.


I am a believer in Marxism.


YLYK is a believer in the English education not as a tool to pass exams, but as a way to better understand this world.


  • 解析:前者是大眾對小說的傳統認知---a source of entertainment 為了人提供娛樂的手段;後者將小說的格調提高--- a tool (工具) for psychological education (心理教育)and reform (改革)一種教育和改革心裡的手段。西方用於教育和改革心靈的工具是什麼?---聖經
  • 作者not...but..的並列句式,前否定了教育的娛樂性,後大大提升了小說的地位,甚至於聖經相比擬。 現在再來理解 believer的意味,是不是能品出不一樣的意味呢?

It was, in his eyes (插入語,說明這是託托爾斯泰的觀點而不是作者的), the supreme medium (上文 tool 的同義替換)by which we can get to know others, especially those who might from the outside seem unappealing, and thereby expand our humanity and tolerance.


supreme adj. 最好的;極大的

medium n. 手段;方法;媒介

unappealing adj. 不吸引人的;無趣的

thereby adv. 因此;因而(therefore)

humanity n. 對他人的理解,仁慈(understanding and kindness towards other people);人性(the condition of being human)

tolerance n. 寬容;容忍

  • 解析:此段仍在給小說下定義,小說可以幫助我們理解他人,因此我們變得更加善良與寬容。
  • 頭兩句在說明小說的功能,且形成遞進的關係。第一句,小說是教化民眾的工具,比較抽象; 第二句更近一步,更加具體地說明小說可以幫助我們理解他人,因此完成小說教化的目的---我們變得更加善良與寬容。
  • 以上為托爾斯泰思想的解析。
  • 每一個思想都和思想家的生平有關,下文為託翁前半生的人生故事

He was born in 1828 at , a huge family estate (家族莊園) 100 miles south of Moscow. It was to be his home, on and off(插入語 說明這個莊園有時候是,有是不是他的家), for the rest of his life.

1828年在莫斯科南邊一個一百英里外的家族莊園 亞斯納亞•博利爾納,托爾斯泰出生了。在他的餘生中,這座莊園是他的家,至少在某些時刻是這樣。

on and off 時不時地;斷斷續續地(sometimes)

estate n. 房地產

  • 解析:亞斯納亞•博利爾納是個十分古老且名氣很大的家族,托爾斯泰是個含著金湯匙出生的公子哥。
  • 語法上,注意這段話的時態是過去將來時,這是傳記類文章常常採用的時態,作者將以一種全知全能的視角去縱覽寫作對象的生平。
  • It was to be his home(家庭 與hourse 不同,家是心靈的港灣,不僅滿足居住的需求,還應滿足人們的心靈需求,給予人們歸屬感安全感), on and off(插入語 說明托爾斯泰在主觀上在很多時候,這個莊園有時候是,有時不是他的家,即使他在這裡出生長大以及死去), for the rest of his life. 作者在此處使用 on and off 再加上過去將來時,站在上帝的視角上作出了預言---接下來,托爾斯泰生活在這個莊園的這近一個世紀的漫長歲月裡,很多時候或許他都不會幸福。

His parents died when he was young, and he was brought up by relatives. He flopped at university.


flop vi. 徹底失敗

  • 解析:1844年,16歲的托爾斯泰進入喀山大學讀書,可是叛逆的他並不買大學講師的帳,認為他們講的話全無道理,毫無邏輯,所以 He flopped at university.他度過了徹底失敗的大學生涯

One lecturer described him as being ‘unable and unwilling to learn.’


He spent a few years gambling and drinking and chasing gypsy women, before signing on as an artillery officer (炮兵部隊軍官) in the Crimean War.


gamble vi. 賭博

chase vt. 追求;追逐

pursue vt. 追求

I spent two years pursuing my current girlfriend.


gypsy adj. 吉普賽人的 n. 吉普賽人

stereotype n. 刻板印象

artillery n. 炮兵(部隊)

  • 解析:the Crimean War 在1853年10月20日因爭奪巴爾幹半島的控制權而在歐洲大陸爆發的一場戰爭,奧斯曼帝國、英國、法國、撒丁王國等先後向俄羅斯帝國宣戰,戰爭一直持續到1856年才結束,以俄羅斯的失敗而告終。
  • 經歷這場戰爭後,托爾斯泰脫胎換骨。


英語美文‖大家小傳 01|托爾斯泰:論小說



Leo Tolstoy was a believer in the novel not as a source of entertainment, but as a tool for psychological education and reform.

It was, in his eyes, the supreme medium by which we can get to know others, especially those who might from the outside seem unappealing, and thereby expand our humanity and tolerance.

He was born in 1828 at Yasnaya Polyana, a huge family estate 100 miles south of Moscow. It was to be his home, on and off, for the rest of his life

His parents died when he was young, and he was brought up by relatives. He flopped at university.

One lecturer described him as being ‘unable and unwilling to learn.’

He spent a few years gambling and drinking and chasing gypsy women, before signing on as an artillery officer in the Crimean War.

He got married in his early thirties. His wife Sophia, who came from a sophisticated, high-cultured background, was only 18. They had thirteen children, nine of whom survived infancy.

It was a difficult marriage; there were huge arguments about sex, and bitterness on both sides. Leo grew a very long beard, became a fitness fanatic, and spent most of his time in his study.

What he did there was to write several hugely successful books, among them War and Peace, Anna Karenina and The Death of Ivan Ilych.

d this world.


Leo Tolstoy was a believer in the novel not as a source of entertainment, but as a tool (工具) for psychological education (心理教育)and reform (改革).


a believer in sth. 極其相信某事

believer n. 宗教信仰者;信徒(a person who has a religious belief or strongly believes that something is right or good)

I am a believer in God.


I am a believer in Marxism.


YLYK is a believer in the English education not as a tool to pass exams, but as a way to better understand this world.


  • 解析:前者是大眾對小說的傳統認知---a source of entertainment 為了人提供娛樂的手段;後者將小說的格調提高--- a tool (工具) for psychological education (心理教育)and reform (改革)一種教育和改革心裡的手段。西方用於教育和改革心靈的工具是什麼?---聖經
  • 作者not...but..的並列句式,前否定了教育的娛樂性,後大大提升了小說的地位,甚至於聖經相比擬。 現在再來理解 believer的意味,是不是能品出不一樣的意味呢?

It was, in his eyes (插入語,說明這是託托爾斯泰的觀點而不是作者的), the supreme medium (上文 tool 的同義替換)by which we can get to know others, especially those who might from the outside seem unappealing, and thereby expand our humanity and tolerance.


supreme adj. 最好的;極大的

medium n. 手段;方法;媒介

unappealing adj. 不吸引人的;無趣的

thereby adv. 因此;因而(therefore)

humanity n. 對他人的理解,仁慈(understanding and kindness towards other people);人性(the condition of being human)

tolerance n. 寬容;容忍

  • 解析:此段仍在給小說下定義,小說可以幫助我們理解他人,因此我們變得更加善良與寬容。
  • 頭兩句在說明小說的功能,且形成遞進的關係。第一句,小說是教化民眾的工具,比較抽象; 第二句更近一步,更加具體地說明小說可以幫助我們理解他人,因此完成小說教化的目的---我們變得更加善良與寬容。
  • 以上為托爾斯泰思想的解析。
  • 每一個思想都和思想家的生平有關,下文為託翁前半生的人生故事

He was born in 1828 at , a huge family estate (家族莊園) 100 miles south of Moscow. It was to be his home, on and off(插入語 說明這個莊園有時候是,有是不是他的家), for the rest of his life.

1828年在莫斯科南邊一個一百英里外的家族莊園 亞斯納亞•博利爾納,托爾斯泰出生了。在他的餘生中,這座莊園是他的家,至少在某些時刻是這樣。

on and off 時不時地;斷斷續續地(sometimes)

estate n. 房地產

  • 解析:亞斯納亞•博利爾納是個十分古老且名氣很大的家族,托爾斯泰是個含著金湯匙出生的公子哥。
  • 語法上,注意這段話的時態是過去將來時,這是傳記類文章常常採用的時態,作者將以一種全知全能的視角去縱覽寫作對象的生平。
  • It was to be his home(家庭 與hourse 不同,家是心靈的港灣,不僅滿足居住的需求,還應滿足人們的心靈需求,給予人們歸屬感安全感), on and off(插入語 說明托爾斯泰在主觀上在很多時候,這個莊園有時候是,有時不是他的家,即使他在這裡出生長大以及死去), for the rest of his life. 作者在此處使用 on and off 再加上過去將來時,站在上帝的視角上作出了預言---接下來,托爾斯泰生活在這個莊園的這近一個世紀的漫長歲月裡,很多時候或許他都不會幸福。

His parents died when he was young, and he was brought up by relatives. He flopped at university.


flop vi. 徹底失敗

  • 解析:1844年,16歲的托爾斯泰進入喀山大學讀書,可是叛逆的他並不買大學講師的帳,認為他們講的話全無道理,毫無邏輯,所以 He flopped at university.他度過了徹底失敗的大學生涯

One lecturer described him as being ‘unable and unwilling to learn.’


He spent a few years gambling and drinking and chasing gypsy women, before signing on as an artillery officer (炮兵部隊軍官) in the Crimean War.


gamble vi. 賭博

chase vt. 追求;追逐

pursue vt. 追求

I spent two years pursuing my current girlfriend.


gypsy adj. 吉普賽人的 n. 吉普賽人

stereotype n. 刻板印象

artillery n. 炮兵(部隊)

  • 解析:the Crimean War 在1853年10月20日因爭奪巴爾幹半島的控制權而在歐洲大陸爆發的一場戰爭,奧斯曼帝國、英國、法國、撒丁王國等先後向俄羅斯帝國宣戰,戰爭一直持續到1856年才結束,以俄羅斯的失敗而告終。
  • 經歷這場戰爭後,托爾斯泰脫胎換骨。
英語美文‖大家小傳 01|托爾斯泰:論小說


He got married in his early thirties. His wife Sophia, who came from a sophisticated, high-cultured background, was only (才,暗示了兩人巨大的年齡差,埋下失敗婚姻的伏筆)18. They had thirteen children, nine of whom survived infancy.


survive vt. 倖存

infancy n. 嬰兒期;幼年

It was a difficult marriage; there were huge arguments about sex, and bitterness on both sides. Leo grew a very long beard, became a fitness fanatic, and spent most of his time in his study.


fanatic n. 狂熱者

What he did there was to write several hugely successful books, among them War and Peace, Anna Karenina and The Death of Ivan Ilych.

在那裡他鑄就了數部無比成功的經典鉅作,其中有《戰爭與和平》、《安娜·卡列琳娜》、《 伊凡 · 伊里奇之死》。

來源:友鄰有課 整理:amberenglisn

amberenglisn 願與你一起成長


