
籃球 周琦 NBA 美國 堯哥說事 2017-06-15


首先有人提問道:Anybody know how Zhou Qi is developing? Gaining weight/muscle? Having a good season? Will we see him n the summer league? I figure there is somebody on the world wide clutchfans who knows.



16/10 2 blocks. 71% from the line and 35% from 3


Chow Key needs to get on the Maury and Keith Jones diet

Triple cheese burgers, large fries etc


His numbers have continued to improve, and the guy's still only 21. There's plenty of time for him to come over if he wants a shot at the NBA. I'm not saying he'll have a good NBA career, or that he'll ever even crack the rotation with the Rockets. But his skill set is unique, and the long-term center position on this team is hardly a lock at this point.


His length is insane. 7'1 without shoes, 7'8 wingspan, 9'4 standing reach. Combine his length, jumping ability, agility, shot blocking instincts,and you have your self a prospect with very interesting potential. Dudes only 21 too.


His ultimate upside comparison to me would be Porzingis, obviously Qi's offensive skill set and overall athleticism is likely nowhere near KP's, but that being said similar thin frames very similar length/height, both good shot blockers, both (likely) mediocre rebounders.If he can be half of Porzingis, he'd be a hell of a pickup for a 2nd.




Joe Chee (Zhou Qi) is a stretch 4 in D'Antoni's system, not a 5. And he has a 7-9 wingspan, just slightly less than Rudy Gobert in the entire NBA. He's already a more versatile PF than Wiltjer, who everyone loves because he has one great skill - 3 ball.

Zhou can dribble, pass, rebound, defend PnR, close out on shooters, block shots and run the court like a guard. We get it, he's skinny but the kid can play.



Oh he will. Book it. Houston wants a leg in that matket again....its not like we are depending on him like we did Yao....... hes averaging two blocks per game. He wont need to do much but set screens, block shots and rebound.


He was a potential lottery pick in several mock drafts and the Rockets took him early in the second round. I think there's an expectation that he'll come over here like D-Mo did. Just being able to block shots and hit 3s makes him a desirable center in today's NBA.


This kid can play. If Steph is a superstar because of how soft the game has become, he will be fine. The game has changed. Alot softer now, more free flowing. He wont get banged up like Yao did. They will try of course, but he will adjust.


If Yi Jianlian couldn't make it in the NBA there's no hope in hell that Zi ever could. Yi is probably the most disappointing basketball player with those kinds of physical attributes to ever exist of all time.


I am 6' tall. This dude only weighs ten pounds more than I do and is freaking 7' 2". One Marc Gasol refried bean fueled fart could back Zhou down to the basket. Could you imagine a physical Deandre against this twig?


Man, feed this man some Texas bbq!!! I don't doubt his skill potential. But you have to have some weight on you to at the very least avoid injury.


I hope James takes this guy to the Drew this summer......


I hope he buys him a $30,000 chain


I bet somewhere in the middle of nowhere China, they have successfully cloned Yao Ming and are now modifying his genes to correct the foot and tibia problems


Too much focus on strength and bulk. Let him fill out naturally. Strengthen his core, improve his skills, and increase his stamina.

When KD came into the league he couldn't bench press 185.

Hone his skills and his core. He doesn't need more mass right now. That will come soon enough.




It's not about strength and bulk but about protection. It's about being able to be physically competitive in the NBA. About building up your body for the punishment it will take.



Skills may always be there but they have to be honed for these guys to make it in the NBA.

what he really should be doing is a ton of running and shooting. At least a thousand three balls a day starting with catch-and-shoots, continuing with catch-fake-one dribble-shoot, and then advancing on to pull ups once he can consistently nail over 50% on the first two sets.



The only question is can he defend either the power forward or center spot? And right now it looks like he's not strong enough to hold down the five so he will have to play against power forwards where he might not be quick enough or maybe strong enough.

people forget that getting strong doesn't only help on defense and rebounding. It helps a lot on offense as well and makes you more of a powerhouse. Just look at LeBron, shaq , and Harden....even lowry.




