
高考 天津 江蘇 S.H.E 湖南 羅敷講中高考英語 2019-04-30


【2018·天津】14. It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house ___________we saw Lily in the passenger seat.

A. which B. that C. when D. where


【解析】考查強調句。句意:只有當汽車在我們房子前停下來我們才看到在乘客位置的莉莉。這裡考查強調句,強調句型結構為:It is/ was + 被強調部分(通常是主語、賓語或狀語)+ that/ who(當強調主語且主語指人)+ 其他部分。本題強調時間狀語only when the car pulled up in front of our house。故選B。

【2018·北京】8. In any unsafe situation, simply _________ the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need.

A. press B. to press C. pressing D. pressed




【2017·江蘇卷】22. _______ not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.

A. It were B. Were it C. It was D. Was it



試題分析:考查虛擬語氣和倒裝。虛擬語氣中,be動詞統一用were;虛擬語氣的省略形式主要是把if省略,同時把were/should/had提前,即Were /Should/ Had I...,故選B。句意:要不是老師們的支持,該生是無法克服她自己的困難的。

【2017·天津卷】11. It was when I got back to my apartment ______ I first came across my new neighbors.

A. who B. where C. which D. that




【2016·江蘇】34.Not until recently ______the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.

A. they had encouraged B. had they encouraged

C. did they encourage D. they encouraged



試題分析:考查部分倒裝。當not until所引導的時間狀語放在句首的時候,主句要使用部分倒裝句。排除AD項,B項為過去完成時,上下文中並沒有體現出過去的過去的時間。句意:直到最近他們才鼓勵在農村地區開展與旅遊業有關的活動。故C正確。

【2016·天津】13. You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel ____ the coach picks up tourists.

A. who B. which C. where D. that




【2015·湖南】31.Always ________ in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.

A. to keep B. to have kept

C.keep D.have kept



【2015·天津】3. Only when Lily walked into the office ______ that she had left the contract at home.

A. she realized B. has she realized

C. she has realized D. did she realize



【2015·湖南】23.Only after talking to two students ________ that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.

A. I did discover B. did I discover

C. I discovered D. discovered



【2015·湖南】21.It was when we were returning home ________ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.

A. which B. that C. where D. how



試題分析:B;根據分析:此句是It was…開頭且去掉It was,when we were returning home I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.是一個完整意義上的句子,故判斷此句是一個強調句,強調when we were returning home;強調句常用句型:It is (was) +被強調部分+that(who)… 。句意:正是在我回家的時候我才意識到幫助別人於危難之時感覺是多麼令人愉悅。故選B

【2015·重慶】9.Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century____ his musical gift was fully recognized.

A. while B. though C. that D. after




【2014·全國大綱卷】26. ______the nurses want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.

A. Not do only B. Do not only C.Only not do D. Not only do



試題分析:考查倒裝句。句意:護士們不僅要求漲工資而且要求減少勞動時間。此處後面的but also被省略,not only引導的句子置於句首時,需部分倒裝。故選D。

【2014·天津卷】15. ________ the morning train, he would not have been late for the meeting.

A. Did he catch B. should be catch

C. has he caught D. Had he caught



【2014·天津卷】1. Give me a chance, ________ I’ll give you a wonderful surprise.

A. if B. or C. and D. while



試題分析:句意:給我一個機會,我會給你一個大大的驚喜。固定用法:祈使句,and+一般將來時的句子,相當於If you +祈使句, 一般將來時的句子;如果前後相反,則用or表示否則的話。本句可以說成:If you give me a chance, I’ll give you a wonderful surprise. if如果;or 否則的話;and 和;while, 然而,當……的時候。

【2014·福建卷】28. The climate here is quite pleasant, the temperature rarely, , reaching 30C in summer.

A. if not B. if ever C. if any D. if so



試題分析:這裡意思是“夏天的溫度很少達到30度”。if not 要不;If ever很少;if any如果真有的話;if so假如這樣的話。所以選B。句意:這裡的氣候非常好,夏天的溫度很少達到30度。

【2014·陝西卷】17. No sooner ________ stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.

A. had Mo Yan B. Mo Yan had C. has Mo Yan D. Mo Yan has


【解析】試題分析:考查倒裝句型。no sooner…than…結構中的 no sooner置於句首時,其後引出部分倒裝。如:No sooner had we left the house than it began to rain. 我們剛離開家就開始下雨了。No sooner had we reached the airport than the plane took off. 我們剛到機場,飛機就起飛了。該句型中一般主句用過去完成時,從句用一般過去時。

【2014·湖南卷】33. It’s not doing the things we like, but liking the things we have to do makes life happy.

A. that B. which C. what D. who



試題分析:考查強調句結構用法。強調句型:It is/ was + 被強調部分(通常是主語、賓語或狀語)+ that/ who(當強調主語且主語指人)+ 其他部分。本題強調主語not doing the things we like, but liking the things we have to do。句意:是做我們喜歡做的事情,而不是喜歡我們不得不做的事情讓生活幸福。故選A

來源 高中英語公眾號平臺

