
To LOVE 美文 左右岸 左右岸 2017-11-29
  1. All good things are approaching their goals in a zigzag way, all straight is deceptive, all truths are crooked, and time itself is a circle.一切美好的事物都是曲折地接近自己的目標,一切筆直都是騙人的,所有真理都是彎曲的,時間本身就是一個圓圈。——尼采

    1. All good things are approaching their goals in a zigzag way, all straight is deceptive, all truths are crooked, and time itself is a circle.一切美好的事物都是曲折地接近自己的目標,一切筆直都是騙人的,所有真理都是彎曲的,時間本身就是一個圓圈。——尼采

    2. 再讀尼采,那些陌生又入心的中英文句子

    3. Do not stop on the plains, do not climb the mountains, from the mid view, the world looks the most beautiful.不要停在平原,不要登上高山,從半山上看,世界顯得最美。——尼采

    4. When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.當你凝視深淵時,深淵也在凝視著你。——尼采

    5. When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you .每一段不努力的時光,都是對生命的辜負。——尼采

    6. Prefer to pursue the emptiness, also cannot have no pursuit. 寧可去追求虛無,也不能無所追求。——尼采

    7. Benighted is all source of pain.愚昧無知是一切痛苦之源。——尼采

    8. A man needs a friend because he can't be alone. As long as one needs friends, he is less likely to be a friend - because that demand is relegated to an object. Only a single person can become a friend. Friendship is not his need, but his joy; it is not his hunger, but his rich love that he wants to share.一個人需要朋友是因為他無法單獨。只要一個人需要朋友,他就不太能夠成為一個朋友——因為這種需求把別人貶為一種對象。只有能夠單獨的人才能夠成為一個朋友。友誼不是他的需求,而是他的喜悅;那不是他的飢渴,而是他想要分享的豐富之愛。——尼采

    9. The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.我們飛得越高,我們在那些不能飛的人眼中的形象就越渺小。——尼采

      1. All good things are approaching their goals in a zigzag way, all straight is deceptive, all truths are crooked, and time itself is a circle.一切美好的事物都是曲折地接近自己的目標,一切筆直都是騙人的,所有真理都是彎曲的,時間本身就是一個圓圈。——尼采

      2. 再讀尼采,那些陌生又入心的中英文句子

      3. Do not stop on the plains, do not climb the mountains, from the mid view, the world looks the most beautiful.不要停在平原,不要登上高山,從半山上看,世界顯得最美。——尼采

      4. When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.當你凝視深淵時,深淵也在凝視著你。——尼采

      5. When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you .每一段不努力的時光,都是對生命的辜負。——尼采

      6. Prefer to pursue the emptiness, also cannot have no pursuit. 寧可去追求虛無,也不能無所追求。——尼采

      7. Benighted is all source of pain.愚昧無知是一切痛苦之源。——尼采

      8. A man needs a friend because he can't be alone. As long as one needs friends, he is less likely to be a friend - because that demand is relegated to an object. Only a single person can become a friend. Friendship is not his need, but his joy; it is not his hunger, but his rich love that he wants to share.一個人需要朋友是因為他無法單獨。只要一個人需要朋友,他就不太能夠成為一個朋友——因為這種需求把別人貶為一種對象。只有能夠單獨的人才能夠成為一個朋友。友誼不是他的需求,而是他的喜悅;那不是他的飢渴,而是他想要分享的豐富之愛。——尼采

      9. The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.我們飛得越高,我們在那些不能飛的人眼中的形象就越渺小。——尼采

      10. 再讀尼采,那些陌生又入心的中英文句子

      11. I want to have you alone and absolutely. Not only to love alone, but to be loved alone. Love is really a great selfishness.我要單獨而絕對的擁有你。不光要單獨的愛,而且要單獨的被愛。愛真是一種偉大的自私。——尼采

      12. If there's a miracle in the world, it's just another name for hard work. The most difficult stage of life is not that no one understands you, but that you don't understand yourself.如果這世界上真有奇蹟,那只是努力的另一個名字。生命中最難的階段不是沒有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。——尼采

      13. If you want to go up high, use your own two legs! Don't let others lift you up; don't sit on other people's backs and heads.如果你想走到高處,就要使用自己的兩條腿!不要讓別人把你抬到高處;不要坐在別人的背上和頭上。——尼采

      14. What is done out of love always happens on the other side of good and evil.出於愛所做的事情,總是發生在善惡的彼岸。——尼采

      15. Important things are to be repeated for 3 times。重要的事情說三遍。——尼采

      16. Reading is to follow the author's footprints to see the scenery along the way.讀書就是沿著作者的腳印去看沿途的風景。——尼采

      17. Once you believe, everything is possible.一旦選擇相信 ,一切皆有可能。——尼采

        1. All good things are approaching their goals in a zigzag way, all straight is deceptive, all truths are crooked, and time itself is a circle.一切美好的事物都是曲折地接近自己的目標,一切筆直都是騙人的,所有真理都是彎曲的,時間本身就是一個圓圈。——尼采

        2. 再讀尼采,那些陌生又入心的中英文句子

        3. Do not stop on the plains, do not climb the mountains, from the mid view, the world looks the most beautiful.不要停在平原,不要登上高山,從半山上看,世界顯得最美。——尼采

        4. When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.當你凝視深淵時,深淵也在凝視著你。——尼采

        5. When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you .每一段不努力的時光,都是對生命的辜負。——尼采

        6. Prefer to pursue the emptiness, also cannot have no pursuit. 寧可去追求虛無,也不能無所追求。——尼采

        7. Benighted is all source of pain.愚昧無知是一切痛苦之源。——尼采

        8. A man needs a friend because he can't be alone. As long as one needs friends, he is less likely to be a friend - because that demand is relegated to an object. Only a single person can become a friend. Friendship is not his need, but his joy; it is not his hunger, but his rich love that he wants to share.一個人需要朋友是因為他無法單獨。只要一個人需要朋友,他就不太能夠成為一個朋友——因為這種需求把別人貶為一種對象。只有能夠單獨的人才能夠成為一個朋友。友誼不是他的需求,而是他的喜悅;那不是他的飢渴,而是他想要分享的豐富之愛。——尼采

        9. The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.我們飛得越高,我們在那些不能飛的人眼中的形象就越渺小。——尼采

        10. 再讀尼采,那些陌生又入心的中英文句子

        11. I want to have you alone and absolutely. Not only to love alone, but to be loved alone. Love is really a great selfishness.我要單獨而絕對的擁有你。不光要單獨的愛,而且要單獨的被愛。愛真是一種偉大的自私。——尼采

        12. If there's a miracle in the world, it's just another name for hard work. The most difficult stage of life is not that no one understands you, but that you don't understand yourself.如果這世界上真有奇蹟,那只是努力的另一個名字。生命中最難的階段不是沒有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。——尼采

        13. If you want to go up high, use your own two legs! Don't let others lift you up; don't sit on other people's backs and heads.如果你想走到高處,就要使用自己的兩條腿!不要讓別人把你抬到高處;不要坐在別人的背上和頭上。——尼采

        14. What is done out of love always happens on the other side of good and evil.出於愛所做的事情,總是發生在善惡的彼岸。——尼采

        15. Important things are to be repeated for 3 times。重要的事情說三遍。——尼采

        16. Reading is to follow the author's footprints to see the scenery along the way.讀書就是沿著作者的腳印去看沿途的風景。——尼采

        17. Once you believe, everything is possible.一旦選擇相信 ,一切皆有可能。——尼采

        18. 再讀尼采,那些陌生又入心的中英文句子

