




In light of/In terms of the gravity/significance of+主體問題/the problem discussed above, 政府/媒體should shoulder the responsibility of doing sth/to do sth

I reckon it is prime/high time that 學校/個人+did(過去式表虛擬語氣)sth

下面是政府/媒體(doing sth/to do sth),學校/個人應該做的事情( did sth)

1)政府(doing sth/to do sth

issue related laws and regulations 頒佈相應的法規

enhance supervision

punish those who are against laws\lawbreaking people

set upsound social security system\sound legal system,

remedy policy bug,

ensure the interests of citizens,

increase financial input to do sth/for sth

2)媒體(doing sth/to do sth

advocate and publicize the notion/virtue/ awareness/ desirable value\ virtue of+主題詞倡導宣傳(價值觀/理念/美德)

cannot shun the obligation to initiate a campaign against\for sth

3)學校(did sth

Strengthen moral education,

help students to cultivate a more acceptable value,

guide students to be more innovative\optimistic\contributive,

guide students in the right direction

shoulder the responsibility to educate the students,

care forneedy students,

cultivate\guide\encourage\spurstudents to do sth

4)個人(did sth

foster the notion/virtue deliberately 有意識地培養理念/美德

enhance/consolidate self-disciplineon this issue.加強自我約束

release pressure 減壓

know the reason that one reaps what one sows

be brave to confront twists and turns,

be optimistic\independent\ self-confident\ persistent

lay a solid foundation for future career,

possess genuine ability and learning,


