地道英語|Blow hot and cold

地道英語|Blow hot and cold

我老公幾星期前突發奇想,說要裝修廚房。我材料都看好了,可他又說,也許應該再等等,簡直氣死我了。我們今天要學的習慣用語,就特別適合形容這種舉棋不定的態度。Blow hot and cold。Blow是吹的意思,hot是熱,cold是冷。Blow hot and cold作為習慣用語,是“不斷改變主意”,就象我老公。真希望他能趕快做出決定,不要這樣搖擺不定。


While a lot of my friends are getting married, I don't know if I will be. You see, one minute my girlfriend talks about wedding plans, then the next she says it's better if we keep dating. The way she blows hot and cold really has me confused.


結婚是大事,當然要慎重。這讓我想起我妹妹兩口子。他們說要養只貓已經好幾個月了,但一想到養貓要負的責任,就又縮回去了。They have been blowing hot and cold for months. 這麼點小事他們都下不了決心。


Blow hot and cold這個習慣用語的出處是一則伊索寓言,講有個人冬天跟森林之神一起吃飯,先是在手上哈氣取暖,後來又吹氣讓熱湯涼下來,森林之神因此跟他斷絕了關係,認為他反覆無常,一會兒嫌冷一會兒嫌熱。下面讓我們來關心一下一家公司員工的命運。

First, we got an e-mail about possible layoffs in our department. Then came the announcement that the company was doing fine and jobs were safe. Now there's word that the boss is reconsidering letting some of us go. He's blown hot and cold for too long. A final decision has got to be made!


一點兒沒錯。誰願意在工作不穩定的環境下安心上班呢?我原來打網球,老是輸,教練一會兒說我練得不夠,一會兒又說我訓練過度。真的可以說是,he blew hot and cold until I finally had enough and left the team,我只好退出網球隊。

地道英語|Blow hot and cold

我老公幾星期前突發奇想,說要裝修廚房。我材料都看好了,可他又說,也許應該再等等,簡直氣死我了。我們今天要學的習慣用語,就特別適合形容這種舉棋不定的態度。Blow hot and cold。Blow是吹的意思,hot是熱,cold是冷。Blow hot and cold作為習慣用語,是“不斷改變主意”,就象我老公。真希望他能趕快做出決定,不要這樣搖擺不定。


While a lot of my friends are getting married, I don't know if I will be. You see, one minute my girlfriend talks about wedding plans, then the next she says it's better if we keep dating. The way she blows hot and cold really has me confused.


結婚是大事,當然要慎重。這讓我想起我妹妹兩口子。他們說要養只貓已經好幾個月了,但一想到養貓要負的責任,就又縮回去了。They have been blowing hot and cold for months. 這麼點小事他們都下不了決心。


Blow hot and cold這個習慣用語的出處是一則伊索寓言,講有個人冬天跟森林之神一起吃飯,先是在手上哈氣取暖,後來又吹氣讓熱湯涼下來,森林之神因此跟他斷絕了關係,認為他反覆無常,一會兒嫌冷一會兒嫌熱。下面讓我們來關心一下一家公司員工的命運。

First, we got an e-mail about possible layoffs in our department. Then came the announcement that the company was doing fine and jobs were safe. Now there's word that the boss is reconsidering letting some of us go. He's blown hot and cold for too long. A final decision has got to be made!


一點兒沒錯。誰願意在工作不穩定的環境下安心上班呢?我原來打網球,老是輸,教練一會兒說我練得不夠,一會兒又說我訓練過度。真的可以說是,he blew hot and cold until I finally had enough and left the team,我只好退出網球隊。

地道英語|Blow hot and cold



地道英語|Blow hot and cold

我老公幾星期前突發奇想,說要裝修廚房。我材料都看好了,可他又說,也許應該再等等,簡直氣死我了。我們今天要學的習慣用語,就特別適合形容這種舉棋不定的態度。Blow hot and cold。Blow是吹的意思,hot是熱,cold是冷。Blow hot and cold作為習慣用語,是“不斷改變主意”,就象我老公。真希望他能趕快做出決定,不要這樣搖擺不定。


While a lot of my friends are getting married, I don't know if I will be. You see, one minute my girlfriend talks about wedding plans, then the next she says it's better if we keep dating. The way she blows hot and cold really has me confused.


結婚是大事,當然要慎重。這讓我想起我妹妹兩口子。他們說要養只貓已經好幾個月了,但一想到養貓要負的責任,就又縮回去了。They have been blowing hot and cold for months. 這麼點小事他們都下不了決心。


Blow hot and cold這個習慣用語的出處是一則伊索寓言,講有個人冬天跟森林之神一起吃飯,先是在手上哈氣取暖,後來又吹氣讓熱湯涼下來,森林之神因此跟他斷絕了關係,認為他反覆無常,一會兒嫌冷一會兒嫌熱。下面讓我們來關心一下一家公司員工的命運。

First, we got an e-mail about possible layoffs in our department. Then came the announcement that the company was doing fine and jobs were safe. Now there's word that the boss is reconsidering letting some of us go. He's blown hot and cold for too long. A final decision has got to be made!


一點兒沒錯。誰願意在工作不穩定的環境下安心上班呢?我原來打網球,老是輸,教練一會兒說我練得不夠,一會兒又說我訓練過度。真的可以說是,he blew hot and cold until I finally had enough and left the team,我只好退出網球隊。

地道英語|Blow hot and cold



地道英語|Blow hot and cold


